Chapter 23

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~(Sophie Pov)~

As I went into Keefe's room I saw him on his bed silently crying. When he saw me he ran and hugged me as tight as possible.

I didn't know why but I hugged him back. He took my hand and used his other hand to wipe away tears.

As we sat on his bed Keefe opened the diary and mumbled, "ugh I hate stupid spy organizations. "

I looked at him and smiled, "even the black swan?"

"Especially the black swan. It's almost worse what they did than the neverseen."

He handed me the diary that he translated and I read it. It was mainly just Jollie talking about her love life so I skimmed through it I stopped when I got to a page with tear marks the date was a week before she died.

(The diary)

May, 21

Dear Diary,

If you're reading this than this may be hard to process. I can't even trust my family with this information.

Look Brant is loyal to the Neverseen. He is known as their fire starter.

I still love him.

He can change right? I just realized it's scary that we want them to be villans and we think they are so scary, but they are just like us. They have feelings and they are human too.

On Friday I'm going to pretend Brant asked me to go out with him. This is because I know Brant is planning something and I'm going to try to convince him to stop.

I got to go. My sister wants me to take a walk with her.

Anyways signing out


The next one took place two days after. There were even more tear marks on the paper.

May 23

Dear Diary,

Today I decided to spy on Mr. Forkle. I heard him talking about my sister behind her back.

I don't think I can ever repeat what he said.

Sophie if you are reading this and don't stop right now like the stubborn person you are whatever you do, DONT DO IT please. I can't loose you.

I heard the colective and Mr. Forkle talking about how Sophie has these special abilities that will lead to the fall of the neverseen. And they have this thing called the Lodestar Intinitive that is designed to, I don't know explode or something. And the only one who can stop it and sucessfully destroy this machine is non other than my sister.

But, destroying this machine will be very dangerous due to the many hazardous chemicals and that this will drain all of her power so that once she's done. She will die.

Why, why does it have to be Sophie?

May 25

Dear Diary,

I thought after what I heard the black swan talk about my sister was bad. What Brant has done is even worse.

We have loved eachother since we were kids. But when he found out that the black swan dosen't try to promote violence he joined the neverseen as a double agent, not loyal to the black swan. I love Brant I really do, but I wish this didn't have to be a Romeo and Juliet thing. If my dad found out my boyfriend is loyal to the neverseen.... If dad finds out I have a boyfriend and didn't tell him...

I still love you Brant.

May 27,

Dear diary,

I am currently burning alive. I know no one will be able to read this but. I tried I really did. And I-

The diary ended there I dropped it and started contemplating what I read.

Keefe gave me a sympathetic look waiting for me to say something, after a minute I finally spoke, "So Jollie was a double agent. "

I stared blankly at a wall.

Keefe looked shocked, "Sophie-"

That was the first time he ever used my real name.

I asked, "what?"


"Well, yeah I mean it explains why the colective works so hard to keep me safe and the weird abilities that just keep poping up."

"So you're okay with just sacrificing yourself?" Keefe asked.

I looked at the ground, "Well if I can stop the neverseen's plans and lead to their downfall then it will be worth it."

Keefe didn't speak again but just teard up more.

I heard someone else crying and I looked to see Mr. Forkle by the door.

Once he saw me he wiped the tears away and wispered, "Sophie, you are the bravest girl I have ever met and I think it's time the moonlark spread her wings."

By this he led me, and Keefe (who refused to let go of my hand) to a room.

When I stepped inside I saw the entire colective and Alden in a corner who was also crying.

Mr. Forkle hugged me and told the colective, "she might actually be willing to fufil her role as the moonlark."

Everyone else in the room gasped. Oralie started crying.

Mr. Forkle turned to me and spoke, "well Sophie Foster, do you accept your role as the moonlark. Do you accept to use your powers for the greater good and sacrifice yourself to take down the Lodestar Intinitive?"

I took a breath, "Yes."

More people cried. Some clapped and gave me a sad smile.

Keefe was also crying.

I feel like Mr. Forkle somehow found the diary, translated and read it then gave it for me to find. Maybe it was like a test.

Mr. Forkle also teard up and told me, "you shall master all 4 of your powers, and we shall plan an ambush to fufill this in 7 months."

I nodded.

I had 7 months to prepare.

7 months and the entire world may be destroyed.

I had 7 months to master my abilities.

Okay I just wanted to say I am sorry in advanced for the ending of this book.

There will be like around 5-7 chapters left.

After I am definitley going to start another fanfic, maybe pjo or spyschool.


Daily question- If you could live anywhere in the Elvin world where would it be?

For me it would probably be Everglen because I always wanted to live in a palace.

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed!



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