Chapter 24

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It's been 5 months since I accepted my role as the moonlark.

Mr. Forkle has been training me non-stop. I have to practice my abilities from 6 in the morning to 10:30 at night with only a quick lunch break.

Today I somehow convinced Mr. Forkle to let me have a 2 hour break.

It felt so nice not training. I ploped down on a couch in a lounge room infront of Keefe, Biana, Dex, Linh, Tam, and just my luck Fitz. It's gotten better between us but its been a bit awkward.

I had training with Oralie in 2 hours.

Keefe noticed me first and sat up in shock, "Foster? Wait a sec am I seeing things?"

I managed a laugh, "probably."

Biana got up and hugged me. I hugged her back. She squealed, "OMG Sophie, I missed you soooo much. What have you been doing that takes up so much of your time. It's been months."

"Oh just counting down the days until my death." I responded. Everyone went silent.

I turned to Keefe, "you haven't told them, have you?"

He silently shook his head.

I turned to my petrified friends and spoke, "well look, it turns out I have these super weird powers and the neverseen have a killer, secret device that can wipe out the world. And I'm destined to use these odd abilities to destroy this device. Oh and we are ploting to do this in less than two months. And destroying this thing will kill me." I said this all in one breath then smilled.

Biana put her hand to her mouth and silently started crying. Fitz punched a wall, Dex sat there in shock, and Tam and Linh went in the dark corner, probably to contemplate this.

Fitz kicked a loveseat and turned to Keefe, "so you just knew about this, the entire time and didn't even think to tell us?"

Keefe looked at Fitz with a little bit of a defense look, "am I really the one to just go around telling people this? The only reason I know is because I was hanging out with Foster and ended up in the room where it happened."

Fitz stared daggers at Keefe and laughed a very forced, dark laugh, "well next time maybe try to tell people instead of just keeping it to yourself. You aren't the only one in Sophie's life. And running away won't fix anything this time." I could tell Fitz pulled a string that wasn't meant to be pulled with Keefe.

He then turned to me with sympathy and sadness, "does Grady or Eadline even know about this?"

I looked down and shook my head as silent tears streamed down my face. I somehow managed to say, "I don't even know how to tell them."

I would probably try to get the courage to text or call them tonight. Just then my watch beeped. It's been 2 hours. I had to go back to training.

I looked at my friends, "sorry, I-I have to go."

I then ran off leaving them so they just stood there, shocked.

When I got to the training room I found Oralie sitting at a desk. I haven't seen her in a month or two but she didn't look like herself. She had dark circles under her eyes, and she looked like she had been crying.

I stepped in and knocked on the open door. Oralie spun to me, "oh sorry, come in."

I stepped in and stood by the desk Orallie wasn't talking so I asked her, " what should I do?"

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and looked at me. "We are going to practice using  your emotions."

"Using my emotions?" I asked, skeptically.

"Yep. This will play crucial in two month for the-" she took a breath and stopped for a second, "thing."

I don't how my sacrifice lodestar thing was effecting her but I still smilled, "what should I do exactly?"

She led me to a couch and said, "here take a breath and clear your head."

I did as she said.

"Now imagine something that makes you so mad that you just want to scream and throw a fit."

I don't get why she was making me do this. But I agreed, "okay."

I decided to think about how Fitz rejected me, how my so called parents decided to just sacrifice me so I could be a litteral test experiment.

Before I knew I was floating and red electricity was pouring everywhere.

I immediatley stopped and clutched my cheast, breathing heavily. I gasped, "I never knew just thinking about things that make me angry could just trigger my inflicting."

I looked around and found Oralie standing up from behind a couch. She smilled and decided to ask, "what did you think about?"

I took a breath and sat on the couch, " my love life. And my actual parents who just agreed to let this all happen to me." I laughed, trying to cover up my sadness.

Oralie tensed up and blinked back tears when I said this. Thats when it clicked. Oralie was my biological mom. She had to be.

I took a step back away from the couch, "y-you, you're my-" I shook my head. I knew there was something off with her.

Oralie broke out in tears, "look Sophie I-"

I cut her off, refusing to cry myself, "how, how could you just let this happen to me?"

"Sophie I-"

"NO TELL ME!" I screamed.

She took a step back, " It wasn't me who allowed you to be sacrificed. It was your horrible father."

I screamed again, not being able to control my anger, "WELL WHO IS HE?"

She shook her head and looked away.

I suddenly couldn't control it. I didn't even know what happened until after it actually  happened.

I inflicted on my biological mother.

Before I could apologize she fell to the floor, sobbing, "I deserved that, I deserve worse."

I just turned my head and ran off. I ran by Kendric who look concerned for me, but I just kept running. I ran to my actual parents. I ran to the place I call home. My parents welcomed me with open arms. I ran into their arms, and cried.

I told them everything. Why I have been gone the past couple months. About the Lodestar Intinitive, me, everything.

When I was done they were also crying and just hugged me tighter.

I didn't even think about how they lost one daughter, now they are going to loose another.

I decided to take training off for the rest of the day.

The next month went by like a second. Training , training, and more training.

And before I knew it it was a week until the mission.

My final week alive.


Okay I hope y'all got the hamilton reference lol

The story is coming to an end😭😭😭

Daily question~ what is y'all favorite musical?

Mine is either lightning thief, or hamilton and hadestown is a close second.

Anyways any predictions?

Hope y'all enjoyed



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