Chapter 6-Keefe pov

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An hour ago was the explosion.

An hour ago I saw her.

And I would do anything to get her back.

"Keefe!"  My mom (mommy dearest) called angrily, "you had something to do with this, I know you did, now talk!"

"I told you mom I didn't." I snapped back.

"Well the κολιέ is gone! We could have used that to travel light, and now its gone and I know you did something to it."

"But I-"

She cut me off and pointed out the door, "go to your father, agent legacy."

Great. Now she wasn't even calling me by my name.

I ran to my room as fast as possible, and threw down my cloak that I have been given after I gave mine to Foster. I didn't really like putting the blame on Foster, but I also didn't want my mom to punish me.

I heard a teasing voice, "awwww did lord hunkyhair get rejected?"

Ugh why did my bodyguard have to be so annoying. I rolled my eyes, "in your dreams Ro."

She scoffed, "please in my dreams its always killing off annoying blonde haired boys with fleash eating bacteria."

I slowly backed up, And rolled my eyes again, "Not now Ro."

"Ugh fine. Have it your way." Ro scoffed as she walked away to stand post at my door.

Seriously are all bodyguards this annoying? I mean I still don't get why my mom made me have Ro.(I think its because of my stupid *legacy*) I mean Ro litterally acts like shes a princess. And litterally makes me treat her like one.

I sat on my bed, which was only gray and black, like everything else in my room. Not my style at all. Of course if someone cared they would maybe know a little about me.

"Ugh" I said, frustrated as I pulled a hand through my hair. Why do I have to be apart of this stupid neverseen, why do I have to be their little puppet? Why can't I just be a normal kid?

I thought back to the brown eyes with gold flecks that I couldn't get out of my head. Wanting to see her. I mean why do I have to be apart of some stupid legacy that I don't even get to make?

Then I had the same thought I had when I was 7, the thought I thought was a dream, to good to be true.

To run away.

I- I think I going to do it.

I decided to start planning on how I was going to run away.

I thought back to Bangs boy and Linh, how am I suposed to just leave them behind? They are the only decent people in this place. The next day I decided to go up to their tiny rooms on the 97th floor. They were litterally like closets.

There Linh was ranting about how she has always wanted a puppy to Tam who kept ignoring her.

I slowly crept up to them, "umm hey." Ugh why was I so awkward? I mean they are my only friends so why do I still get nervous around them?

My mom first recruited Tam after someone named Umber died, then his twin sister Linh joined after him.

"Oh hey Keefe." Linh said, smiling.

I smiled back at linh and turned to Tam, "hey bangs boy"

He rolled his eyes, "ha ha very funny lord hunkyhair." He put the first part of the nickname in air quotations.

Linh sat on the bed and motioned for me to sit next to her. When I did she looked at me and smiled brightly, "hi Keefe! I was just telling Tam about how one day I'm go to get a puppy and a cat! But he keeps ignoring me."

I smiled at her again, when she noticed I didn't have a funny response she looked at me again, "hey you okay Keefe?"

Tam also looked at me as I responded to Linh, "oh um yeah but um can I tell you something?"

"Of course Keefe!"

Tam still looked sad so I had to ask, "wait but linh why is Tam pulling of super angsty vibes?"

She looked down, "hes just mad at me."

"Wait why?"

Tam looked at her in disappointment, "maybe because someone decided to not help me fight and ended up making me look like an idiot who can't fight."

Linh looked at her brother, "Tam im sorry, look I just don't want to fight someone younger than me."

I looked at them, "wait what do you mean?"

Tam scoffed again, "yeah because you haven't heard of the fascinating agent who managed to steal the κολιέ. And get away."

"Yeah my mom punished me because aparently I was the one who let her get away."

Hey there were no cameras around, and no one can prove I was guilty so all I could do was stand there and say that I tried.

Linh looked at me again, "what was the important thing you needed to tell me?"

I started to pace the room when I finally stopped and turned to the twins, "look im running away tonight."

Linh stood there in shock while Tam sighed, "haven't the neverseen already defined you as their property?" He said as he held up the gold bonds on his hand a girl put on him.

The bonds made it so if he misbehaves they can pretty much control him.

I responded to Tam, "No my mom is basically the president of the company and I have to fufil my stupid legacy."

Tam responded again in a mimicking voice, "so you're running away from your problems?"

"Am not."

"Am too."

"Am not im just-"

He cut me off, "running away from your problems?"

I sighed, "fine I am running away from my problems." I looked down, "but I'll miss you guys." I rolled my eyes, "yes even you bangs boy."

Linh looked on the verge of tears as she shook her head in disbelief, "I'll miss you too keefe, and I will see you again."

Tam didn't look at me, but as I turned to leave he said quietly, "good luck."

I smiled as I headed back to my room. The clock said 8:00. Perfect. I made sure Ro wasn't spying on me, then I packed a couple of clothes than don't have the neverseen logo on it (litterally only like 4 pairs of clothes), toiletries, some weapons, and a couple snacks I smuggled from the kitchen last week.

I was ready.

Then when the clock hit 12:00 I jumped out my window on the 7th floor and jumped into a pile of mud. The landing wasn't that bad pain wise, considering all the rain we got earlier. Then I darted out of the property.

This was it I thought as the tower only looked like a speck, I officialy left the neverseen. And I knew exactly where I was heading.

A/N! Okay I  hope you all enjoyed! Let me know if you want more Keefe chapters!

Anyways daily question- ice blue or teal?
I perfer ice blue for um no specific reason.....

Also I may or may not include Glimmer, but if I do would yall want a relashionship with Glimmer and Tam? Lol I kinda shipped them in Legacy...

Again I hope yall enjoyed byeee


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