Chapter 21

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By the third time I went to Elwin's that day he screamed, "I DESPISE THE COLECTIVE, IF THEY THINK THIS IS BEST THAN I'D LIKE TO SEE THEM WEAR IT."

I smilled at this.

The only thing Elwin can do is give me painkillers and medicine. I wish I could just take this stupid thing off.

I decided to go back to training. I was wearing a light purple t-shirt on with black shorts.

Its been about a week since the mission. Since the Colective decided to punish me in the worse way possible. To be honest I think I'd rather pick up horse poop than wear this.

Biana was fully recovered and Wylie was recovering. Some of his scars and injuries would never heal. But he was expected to be back on his feet in a couple weeks.

I decided to go to Tigerion's class because Fitz was also there.

My crush on Fitz has gotten to the point where I can't even talk with out stuttering and blushing.

I came into Tigerion's teaching area to find Fitz practicing archery. I gave a small laugh as he missed 7 times in a row.

Fitz finally noticed me, "oh hey Sophie what brings you here."

I blushed, "oh- I was just ummm-"

Fitz cut me off,"here why don't you have a try?"

I accepted and took the bow from him. I grabbed an arrow and aimed at the target. What I didn't know was that Fitz snuck another arrow into the bow.

When I pulled back and released the arrow, wait no arrows? They both hit the target perfectly. One of them even split the other in half.

How? That should only be possible in movies.

Fitz looked starstruck.

I finally got up the courage and squeaked out, "look, I kinda like, like you."

Oh no. I closed my eyes tight hoping Fitz wouldn't laugh.

When I opened them the starstruck shock was gone and I saw Fitz looking down with a sad look on his face.

"Look Sophie, I know you have a crush on me and all. You're amazing. But we cant be together."

Suddenly it felt like all the air was separated out of the room. I was on the verge of tears. Ugh I hate it when I cry thankfuly I didn't cry.

Fitz spoke again, "look Sophie you're a nice girl and all, but you just don't live up to the Vacker name. And besides since you're adopted you don't even know your parents which means they probably aren't even a bit famous. So we just can't be together. It wouldn't wotk out. Sorry Sophie."

His words felt like a slap in the cheek.

I stuttered, " is this really about the fact that I'm most likely not rich and famous like you? That you just have to be the perfect Vacker golden boy?"

"Sophie I-"

I cut him off, "save it for the pillow Fitz."

At this I left. I don't even know why I liked him in the first place. He would always get mad, and blame me. Especially when his dad invited me on a mission and I ended up saving his life but he nearly died in the process and had to be heavily sedatated. Fitz would not stop yelling at me. He kept telling me the reason Alden was in the healing center in the first place was all because of me and that if I werent there that would have never happen.

I still decided to ignore my crushed heart and run to another class. I actually checked my lessons for today. At this time it said,

11:30-12:50 Combat.

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