Chapter 20

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When Sandor, Ro, Biana, and I were back to the bakery Biana was immediatley taken to Livvy. (Elwin was helping Wylie)

I will admit I was expecting a bit of praise but when I came back it looked like everyone was disapointed in me. They wouldn't meet my eyes and they just looked away everytime I walked by them. Even Tam and Linh.

As I continued walking I heard hard, heavy footsteps, then a unnaturally calm voice spoke, "Sophie may you please meet me in my office."

He said it like a statement rather than a question so I silently followed him into his office.

Once we sat down he spoke,"Miss Foster I am very proud of you for saving Biana and Wylie. But aside from that we must discuss how you illegally snuck out to go on a mission I did not assign you, and broke at least 30 different rules while doing so. Especially since you were obviously the leader in this." He continued, "In an hour you will meet with the colective council to discuss future punishment for your actions. So please dress nicely and you may be dismissed. "

I silently walked out and ignored all the people as I walked into my room.

I grabbed a white lace top with a red skirt. I put on white sandals and did a waterfall braid in my hair. So I would at least look a bit presentable for the colective.

If you didn't know since Mr. Forkle can't run the place by himself he has 12 people who are known as the colective of the black swan. They all work for the government and can step in for Mr. Forkle at any time.

When I got there I saw some of my friends minus Fitz. He was probably with Biana.

Dex ran up and gave me a hug, followed by Keefe.

"Umm Foster?"

I turned to Keefe, "yeah?"

"Could you um maybe meet me in my room after this?" He asked.

"Sure." I casually replied. I was glad he was finally out of the hospital wing.

Then I heard the booming voice of the obvious main colective member, Bronte. He was considered the leader due to being apart of the Black Swan for the longest.

He spoke," so it appears that you formed a mission by yourself and dragged your friends into it, then managed to sneak into a Neverseen base, un prepared. So you were also putting not only yourself but your friends lives into danger. And the entire Black swan operation into danger."

I didn't really get this but I just nodded,"yes sir."

He kept going, "you, agent moonlark, are far to valuavle and dangerous, if you were to-"

Colective Orallie cut him off by coughing, then clearing her throat, " what we are deciding here is her punishment."

Colective Bronte picked it up from there, "Ahh yes. We have all come to the conclusion to make you pernamently wear this."

He revealed a golden circulet thing with a red jewel in the center.

"Thanks to Dex we now have this to constantly remind you not to break the rules of the black swan."

I always wondered why he hated me so much. I mean colective Bronte has been one of my training mentors and will always go extra hard on me and practically force me to do things I don't want to do.

Dex ran up screaming, " NO, thats not meant for Sophie. Its meant for the neverseen members that excaped the prison by making it collapse."

Vespera and 15 other members were in that prison. I cried when they collapsed the building and managed to escape. That was only yesterday.

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