Chapter 22/The talk

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Mr. Forkle pov

I walked into the room. I was meeting with the colective today.

It has been about a day after I met with Miss Foster and took that horrible device off her head.

Once I entered the meeting room I sat at the head of the table. It was a room with a long table and chairs surounding it.

Once we all sat down Colective Bronte immediatley spoke, "look what we did to Sophie was the right choice. We can't risk the moonlark to go out and die. But you just had to ruin that." He said this looking at me.

Just then Alden Vacker came in.

I smiled, thankful for the distraction, "ah welcome Mr. Vacker. "

Colective Bronte gave me a stern look and before he could talk I interupted, "Mr. Vacker is here because he is going to start working as a head agent soon. "

I could tell they didn't like it due to Colective Bronte's grumble. I smiled and scooted up a chair for Alden.

The only other head agents were Mr. Ruwen, Miss Diznee, and a couple others who go by codenames.

I cleared my throat, "ah were were we? " I asked Alden, "say Alden, have you ever heard about the Moonlark's destiny?"

"The moonlark? As in that rare extinct bird?" Alden asked in wonder.

"No, the moonlark as in Sophie." I responded.

It was as if the room got quieter, Colective Oralie leaned back and started crying while Kendric comforted her.

She was Sophie's biological mother while Sophie's biological dad was someone in the neverseen. He used to be allied for the black swan and even fell in love and married Oralie. He was going to be apart of the colective until he joined the neverseen and tried to kill everyone. Then him and Oralie divorced. And after Agent Kendric stood up and took the traitors spot.

His name is a disgrace so we don't use it and instead refer to it as, the traitor who joined the neverseen.

I was about to talk when Kendric (who was still holding Oralie) told me, "Umm do you think you could maybe tell Alden this alone? We can postpone this meeting until tomorrow."

I agreed, " Yes but before you all leave I just wanted to day, she's getting stronger and her time will be very soon."

Oralie put her hand to her mouth and started quietly sobbing, Kendric led her out of the room.

As the rest of the colective left I took Alden to my office.

I sat at the table to tell him this. It was very sad.

"Well I guess I'll start from the beginning. " I said to Alden once he got in a comfortable position across from me.

"When Oralie and the traitor had a child. It was at the perfect time. The neverseen finally admitted to a threat and how it was destined to wipe out the country when the time came, so we needed something, someone to fufil a important role in the black swan that could take down this threat that the neverseen created. A double agent loyal to the black swan saw it and said it was powerful enough to destroy the world. And this threat we call the lodester Intinitive still remains and everytime the neverseen threaten to use it we grow weaker as they grow stronger." I continued, " Oralie's child was born at the perfect time so I convinced the child's traitor of a father to let me do a little experiment on her just to see if I could give her abilities that would be good enough to wipe out this threat."

I looked to see if he was still listening then I continued, "well the dad agreed and so we did. We called this project moonlark. We gave her abilities and strength that no one else has, to take out the Lodestar Intinitive. Then the traitor joined the Neverseen, and when Oralie came back from her mission in Paris and found out what he allowed for her child she sobbed for weeks and ended up deciding the best option was to give the child away to a very kind family she knew. "

I took a breath and said, "well this child saw her family die when she was very young and joined the black swan organization and now we know her today as Miss Foster."

Alden asked, "what exactly will Sophie do when the time is to destroy this Lodestar?"

I took a breath. This was the hard part, "well Miss Foster will have to use her very unnaturally high pain tolerance, superspeed, and inflicting abilities to destroy the Lodestar Intinitive. The neverseen are obsessed with this. This used to involve agent Legacy but when the experiments on him failed and he joined the black swan it turned into having to do with only agent moonlark. "

Alden stuttered, "So what will happen to Sophie? What will happen when she disarms the Lodestar Intinitive?"

Tears started to threaten to pour down my face as I continued, " well when this is happening this will take everything out of her, all her energy, all her power, everything. And the machine that will do all this is so powerful that there is many toxic gas and materials stirring inside. "

I said this next part very quietly, " so when Sophie sucessfully disarms this she mill most likely not be able to move, and die a slow, painful death."

Alden stood up, furious, " So all this time, you just raised her like a pig for slaughter? This is just like training! This is always why you would work in extra training, why? Sophie's a good kid and dosen't deserve this."

Mr. Forkle surprisingly relpied back calmingly, "I know and I regret every bit of it. But she will understand when the time comes to when we will tell her."

Alden stared at him with hatred, "so you haven't even told the poor child her own destiny of how she must die and sacrifice herself?"

He turned away with disgust, "she really is like a puppet on your strings, no wonder you always get so mad after when she sneaks off, when she will be given missions to what? Prove herself?"


At this he left.

Well that gives most the plot.

Sooo any theories on who her biological dad is?

And also once this is done I may start a pjo or spy school fan fic

Daily question~what is your least favorite book in kotlc?

Mine is probably lodestar because its just not the same with Keefe gone.

Also book 9 got postponed to November 2022 sadly. But I just hope Shannon will take her time and make this the best book of the series!

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed,



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