Chapter 19

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As Tam, Linh, and I walked through Nightfall we were terrified.

There was blood and burn marks everywhere.

It was as if it was saying,




We silently tried to tip toe through the hallways. It didn't work.

Tam, Linh and I ran into 5 guards who had badges.

Keefe told me a bit about them. If they had a badge that had the creepy eye symbol in red it meant that they were highly trained and most likely to be sent out on missions.

Before we could fight there was electricity all around us.

The last thing I could see was Tam and Linh's horrified expressions before I blacked out.

I woke up dangling upside down, with ropes tied around my feet.

Psh, pathetic who do they think we are, wimps who can't untie knots?

I realized my hands were tied behind my back.

I am so glad I took the gymnastics course. I arched my back enough to start undoing the knot.

After 3 minutes I got it undone. And that was the time it took Tam and Linh to regain conscious. I climbed up on the rope and wrapped my ankle in it so I wouldn't fall.

The ceiling was pretty high and if we drop down, it would probably grab the attention of the neverseen.

I contemplated this while untying Tam and Linh. Once we were all untied and on top of the rope we decided to jump down.

We all stopped ourselves before we jumped down due to hearing noises.

It was the Neverseen members and they were talking in a whisper.

"What should we do with them?"

"Oh I don't know, make them tea? No! We have to get information out of them. They could be trying to take back Biana and Wylie."

"B-but I already tied them up and used the electric thing Captian Shadows taught me to use."

While squinting I could make out a girl with a boy, both looking no older than 16.

The girl replied back to the boy snarkily," Oh and did you by any chance actually learn anything from Captain Shadow or Commander Vespera, Kyle?"

The boy, Kyle shook his head. He was shaking pretty bad.

The girl scoffed, "Ugh! I can't believe you! Did you even tie them properly or confiscate their weapons?"

Kyle suddenly looked like he saw a ghost. As he ever so slightly shook his head.

Before the girl could reply in anyway I nodded, signaling to drop down. Tam and Linh followed my command.

We dropped right behind the girl as Kyle screamed.

He ran for the alarm, but before he could I easily knocked him out.

The girl shook her head and facepalmed, "oh my goodness Kyle, you clearly need to work with commander Vespera more or even Mr Hordak."

She then turned with an electric rod sword thing and swung it at us.

Linh used her dagger hidden in her shoes to hit the sword. It bounced back, electrocuting her a bit. She let out a small scream of shock.

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