Chapter 13

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When we got there we immediately got a seat in the back. The restaurant was huge. Ugh how are we ever going to stop the neverseen? Man, why did we leave Dex behind. He probably has a gadget for this type of thing. We also probably should have told Mr. Forkle.

The waiter sat us in a back corner and I put the menu up to my face and started looking around for anything suspicious.

There was a person singing with a music player in the back playing the tunes connected to the phone.

As I was looking around Keefe nudged me. Of course I couldn't even see right infront of me. There was a lady with her dog and she was at our table. She got up from her seat to come over to us.

"Awww well aren't you lot little cutties? Sooo who's dating?" She gave us the overly dramatic look.

I smiled politely, "oh sorry ma'am we are just here as friends."

She looked at me, Keefe,  and Fitz and walked off. Weird.

We all ordered just water and chips as we were still looking.

"I don't think the neverseen are here." Biana wispered.

"Could Dex have been wrong?" Fitz asked.

"No, he was certain." Keefe responded.

"Unless the neverseen know we hacked into their system and sceduled a fake ambush to try to trick us." I said.

"Wow thats positive Foster."

"Hey I'm just saying."

"Yeah well-" Keefe clearly saw something.

We tried to turn, not drawing attention to see what it was. There was a tall, bulky man with a tall slender woman. They were madly suspicious.

The singer stopped singing.

Keefe looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Ya good agent Keefe." I wispered in his ear.

He looked shaken up as he turned and wispered, "thats my mom."

I looked back at the woman and could instantly point out the blonde hair and similarities.

I silently came up with a plan. We needed a distraction, something that will draw the croud away from whats happening in the back. Thats when an idea poped up in my head, the microphone was still there. I quickly told the others my plan, Keefe and Fitz would lure away Gisela and the other Neverseen member while Biana checked to see if there was anymore while I sang to distract everyone. Of course I had to sing while the others got in on all the action.

Once we settled the plan I walked up and asked a worker permission to sing, which he agreed to.

"That other singer lost her voice and quit. Plus the people are mad, so go ahead. " I silently nodded my thanks as I walked up to the microphone.

I plugged in my phone into the speaker and searched up the karaoke version to 'I will survive'. I took a deep breath, and began to sing.

At first I was afraid,
I was petrified
kept thinking I could never live without you by my side

Thar definitley got the attention of everyone as I continued to sing. People even started throwing money up onto the stage. Biana basically vanished as she checked the area while Fitz and Keefe went to attack Lady Gisela and the other person and lure them out to the alley way.

I sang some more.

I saw Fitz struggling with the bulky dude as Keefe tried to take on Gisela. Everyone was focused on my singing, perfect.

I made the mistake of turning my head to a audience member on the other side if the room, and when I turned back I saw Gisela pointing a gun at my head while Fitz and Keefe were taking on the other dude. Gisela had an evil smile plastered on her face.

I started singing louder, trying to alert Keefe and Fitz without anyone turning their heads to see them fighting.

Keefe turned to his mom and instantly punched her square in the face, taking all her attention on me away. He and Fitz then ran out the door as I tried to finish as fast as possible to help. When Gisela and the other guy ran off, people turned but weren't very distracted.

I belted the last note and bowed as I ran off, out the door. I also made sure to leave $20 on the table.

I ran out the back door to see Fitz and Biana wrestling with Gisela. I ran to find Keefe.

I found him in an alleyway, clutching his stomach. Infront of him was the other person, carrying a dagger,laced with blood on it.

My stomach turned sour as I watched him pocket the knife and point out a gun aiming right for Keefe's head.

I slowly walked twoards him and did a disarming move, as I grabbed the gun. I pointed it right at him. Keefe stumbled to a corner,  still clutching his stomach.

I gritted my teeth as I shot him. Right in the stomach.

As he slowly bled out he laughed, then started screaming in agony. Something inside me churned with anger, I couldn't control it. I stumbled back, breathing heavy. I couldn't control my rage.

Suddenly something grabbed my hand, it was Keefe. He pulled me close, away from the person now on the ground, slowly bleeding out.

"Foster? You look like you're going to have a panic attack."

I turned to him realizing he was still clutching his stomach, "oh my stars Keefe y-you're stomach-"

He cut me off, "since when could you sing like that Foster?" He was clearly in pain as he changed the subject.

"Keefe Sencen you lift your arm up right now."

He lifted up the arm that wasn't clutching his stomach.



He showed me. There was a huge gash, bleeding out. Tears were streaming down his face.

I gasped, "oh my gods Keefe."

I helped him into a comfortable sitting position then took my cardigan and wrapped it around as tight as I could.

I grabbed my watch and immediately called Elwin then Forkle and told them what happened.

They were going to be here in ten minutes.

I turned to Keefe, "i-its okay, just hold on for 10 minutes okay? For me."

I ignored the other bleeding person on the floor.

Just then Fitz ran in, "Gisela, fled she said theres a bomb in the cafe thats going to explode any minute now Biana's trying to find it-"

Keefe grumbled at the part where she escaped.

I ran out the alley, "watch that guy." I pointed at the guy on the floor who was still bleeding out, "and stay with Keefe until Elwin gets here. Also Mr. Forkle's on his way."

I was disgusted at how Gisela just fled the scene instead of helping her partner. In the black swan it's always no man left behind.

Fitz stopped me, "wait Soph, what are you?"

I turned to him, "I'm going to stop a bomb."


Ahhh stan Sophie

But any guesses as to who the big bulky dude is-

Also TYSM for over 300 reads!

Daily question- what is your favorite mythical creature?

Mines an alicorn.

Anyways bye y'all


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