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Lao Wen and A-Xu seldom fights, but when they fight it means they do fight it must be really, really bad.

This is their most intense fight in the 8 years of being together, Lao Wen went with his friends in the club without telling A-Xu.

Later that night someone sent a photo to him, the picture shows a guy is kissing Lao Wen. But you can't clearly his face.

But anger and the feeling of betrayal takes over A-Xu, when Lao Wen came back home A-Xu is sitting at the living room. He just looks at the wall, no emotions visible in his eyes.

"A-Xu? What are you doing there?" Lao Wen asked while walking towards him, A-Xu didn't respond to him. He stands up and looks at Lao Wen

"Where the fuck did you go?" Lao Wen was shocked because A-Xu seldom curse, but when he does it means he is really angry "I-i went out with my friends" A-Xu nodded.

"You went out with your friends without telling me?! And care to explain what the fuck is this?!" A-Xu threw the phone to Lao Wen.

He was scared and confused at the same time, he looks at the picture and he saw a man kissing another man, it does look like Lao Wen but it was not him.

Lao Wen was hurt too, A-Xu didn't even saw the difference between him and the other man at the picture.

"A-Xu this man in the picture is not me!" A-Xu scoffed "You're still lying even though you got caught?!" A-Xu is holding back his tears so does Lao Wen.

"I'm not lying to you A-Xu!!" He was getting frustrated and sad, he doesn't like to be called a liar when the fact that he is telling the truth.

"You know me too well A-Xu! I won't ever fucking cheat on you! Why would I cheat Zhou Zishu?! I can't even live without you!" Tears were now flowing down his eyes he was so frustrated, sad, disappointed, he doesn't know what he is feeling.

"You went to fucking club Lao Wen, without even telling me! What do you think I feel, seeing this picture of you kissing another man!" He shouted at Lao Wen.

Lao Wen flinched, he was getting scared now. He is scared that he may lose his A-Xu because of a misunderstanding, "I'm really disappointed A-Xu, you are accusing me of cheating when you know how much I love you Zhou Zishu! We are together for fucking eight years! Eight years Zhou Zishu! But you can't even differentiate me and that man in the picture!" He walked to their shared room and shut the door loudly.

A-Xu was shocked and feel awful and guilty, the anger and the feeling of betrayal was slowly disappearing.

He carefully looks at the picture, it's really not his Lao Wen, he was blinded by his anger.

He went to their room and knocked on the door, "Lao Wen.. can I come in?" He said softly he heard a faint 'yes' so he went in.

Lao Wen is laying on their bed, still crying, this sight makes his heart break. A-Xu feels so awful, he didn't even listen to his Lao Wen and he let his emotions blinds him.

He also laid beside Lao Wen, "Lao Wen-ah.. I'm so sorry" he kept on repeating that "I-i would n-never cheat on my A-Xu, I love A-Xu so m-much to do it"

A-Xu hugs him, "A-Xu is really sorry, I let my emotions blind me instead of listening to you. I jumped into conclusions without making sure. I'm really, really sorry Lao Wen"

"I was scared A-Xu, I thought you would leave me b-because of a misunderstanding. I c-can't lose you A-Xu, please don't ever leave me" he hugs A-Xu tightly.

"I won't leave you Lao Wen, I promise I will never let my emotions take me. I'm very sorry Lao Wen" Lao Wen nodded, A-Xu kissed his lips, eyes, forehead, nose and cheeks.

"I'm sorry too A-Xu, I should've told you that I was going out with my friends" A-Xu nodded "I understand Lao Wen" they hugged each other tightly "I love you so much Lao Wen, I will stay with you forever" the younger nodded "I love you too my A-Xu"

That night there was still a little bit of tension, but they didn't mind it and the cuddled until the fell asleep.


First update for today! If you like this and you want more updates a vote would be much appreciated💙

Have a great day Lovelies💙

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