🥀A little surprise🥀

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Today is mother's day Ke Xing and Cheng ling decided to have a little surprise for Zi Shu to thank him.


"Mom!" Cheng ling called Zi Shu, at first he disapproved Cheng Ling's request to call him mom but after many nag and tears eventually he gave in, he can't resist those puppy eyes of his son.

"Yes? Do you need something?" Zi Shu asked, Cheng Ling ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Zi Shu was confused but he hugged back while stroking Cheng Ling's hair.

"Why are you suddenly being so sweet?"

Ke Xing walked down the stairs, "Can I join the hug too?" Ke Xing asked as he approaches them.

Zi Shu smiled and extended his arm to welcome Ke Xing's hug, he smiled and immediately hugged his son and wife.

After a few minutes the pulled away, Ke Xing is caressing Zi Shu's cheeks while Cheng Ling is looking at them while smiling widely.

"Mom? Can you come with me?" Cheng Ling asked, "Where?"

Zi Shu asked, he can't believe that Cheng Ling is inviting him to go somewhere.

Cheng Ling always rejected his mom's request to come with him, so today he wanted to compensate  with all those rejections.

"Well I wanted to buy some clothes and some things, we could also have some alone time together" Cheng Ling said softly.

Ke Xing smiled, "A-Xu go with our son, you barely have alone time with him" Zi Shu looked at him.

"But what about you?" Zi Shu asked not wanting to leave Ke Xing behind.

Ke Xing laughed, "I'll be fine don't worry, spend your time with him" he looked at Cheng Ling.

"Take care of your mom okay?" He winked secretly to his son.

Cheng Ling nodded happily, "Okay, okay I'll get change first then we can go okay?"

"Okay mom, I'll wait here" Zi Shu went upstairs to change his clothes.

"You know what to do?" Ke Xing whispered, "Yes dad, don't worry just do what you need to do" Cheng Ling said while smiling.

After a few minutes Zi Shu went downstairs wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.

"Let's go, I'm ready!" Zi Shu said, it was obvious that he's excited.

"A-Xu you still look stunning even though you're just wearing a simple black t-shirt" Ke Xing said while staring at Zi Shu lovingly

Zi Shu blushed at the sudden compliment, "Well I'm always stunning" Zi Shu said and winked at Ke Xing.

They laughed softly, "Okay, okay now go and enjoy your day together and be safe" Ke Xing said and kissed Cheng Ling and Zi Shu's forehead.

Cheng Ling and Zi Shu went to a mall, they went into different shops and buying everything that caught their attention.

They were laughing at each other's jokes, they also went to their favorite restaurant and ice cream shop.

It was very fun, full of laughter, no worries, they were just enjoying their time together.

Zi Shu and Cheng Ling is waiting for their take-out order, they didn't wait for a long time and their order was served immediately.

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