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Jack Johnson just admitted that he likes me. I'm going to faint. For real, I'm actually going to collapse. My eyes start hurting and my vision becomes blurred.

"Megan? You don't look so good"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lie. My palms start to get clammy and beads of sweat start to form on my forehead.

"Are you sure?"

"It's hot in here- can I open a window? I say stumbling over to the closest window. I struggle to maintain my balance but I do make it over. I pull open the window and take a deep breath. This can't just be because of Jack. I'm not that pathetic, I swear!

"You aren't okay at all" Jack says placing his hand on my back, using his other hand to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "Do you need a doctor?"

"Nah, I probably ate too much"

"I'll get Meg" He panics and runs out of the room.

A few seconds later Meg enters the room alongside an extremely worried looking Johnson and surprisingly Gilinsky too.

"This again?" Meg smiles sitting next to me.

"Yup" I laugh. My vision is coming back to me now and my head has stopped spinning. By 'this again' Meg means how I get before any kind of public speaking. I freeze and choke. I don't mean to do it- it just happens. I have no clue why it happened this time. I'm assuming that it's because this is the first time any indication of a commitment has been put upon me but its weird right?

"You good?" Meg laughs

"I think so" I smile. I look up to both Jacks.

"I'm sorry about what I said" Gilinsky says looking at his shoes.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not mad"

"Well I'm glad because I can now see how much my boy here likes you" He laughs grabbing Johnson's shoulder. "You should have seen his face!"

"If it's anything like it was when he walked in then I've got a pretty good idea"

"Imagine that but with a lot of heavy breathing" He laughs. I look to Jack to see him looking awkwardly at his shoes.

"I really appreciate it Jack- you being worried for me" I smile. He lifts his head to look at me.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't want to see a beautiful girl like you scared and panicking again. Twice is enough thanks." I'm still so embarrassed about the whole 'collapsing over the barrier' thing. Why couldn't I just stay cool?

"But it's a good thing that the first one happened right?" Meg speaks up. "Otherwise we wouldn't all be here right now" She smiles, looking straight at Gilinsky. Guess she isn't mad anymore then.

"That's true" Gilinsky says in a Britsh accent that I'm pretty sure came out accidentally- judging by the look on his face afterwards. "Sorry" He sighs. Meg and I burst out into laughter at his attempt.

"Come on, let's leave these two to it" Meg smirks standing up, she walks past Gilinsky, lightly brushing her hand over his chest. He quickly follows her like an eager little puppy.

Now it's just Jack and I. I don't even know what we are- I like him, he likes me but we're from opposite sides of the world. I'm here for 2 weeks and then I'll probably never see him again.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Johnson's voice breaks through my thoughts. Something about him makes me want to tell him all my deepest darkest insecurities and secrets. But I can't.. I shouldn't. He's him and I'm me. We'd never work. Would we?

"Hello? Earth to Megan" Jack says yet again piercing far enough into my thoughts to make me realise that I hadn't answered him.

"Sup" I say awkwardly.

"Are you okay? You have this really intense stare going on and it's kinda freaking me out"

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile "I was just thinking"

"About what?"

"Nothing really" I lie. "Just about how much I enjoyed your performance today"

"Really? What was your favourite song?"

"I'm torn between Like That and Right Where You Are"

"Are those your favourites?" He smiles

"Definately. But then again, Groove and Cheat Codes are amazing too" I say reevaluating my answer" and Wildlife and Cold Hearted. Oh and Tides"

"So you prefer the old music" he chuckles.

"Yeah! And indoor recess"

"You know that song?"

"Every word" I smile, my inner fangirl is bursting out right now.

"Wow, you're a keeper" he jokes. At least I think he's joking.. "It's kinda late" He says suddenly. "I gotta go talk to the boys about tomorrow. I'll be right back"

"What's tomorrow?" I ask- my curiosity getting the better of me.

"We were planning to go to Universal Studios. Ever been?"

"Yeah, once on holiday with my family when I was 13" I smile

"Should be good riding the rollercosters with you then" he smirks "Seeing as you're a professional" He adds before walking out the room.

(A/N: 90+ likes for an update!)

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