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"Where are we going?" Jack asks me as I pull him down the corridor. I don't reply until we reach their dressing room. I push open the door and then push Jack inside, following him in. I shut the door behind me. Immediately, Jack pounces on me- pinning me against the door, my wrists above my head. "That was a cheap shot you know" He smirks.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I flirt. Thank you Jack Gilinsky.

"You. All dressed up like this, just before the show." He says sternly "Do you know how hard it was to concentrate on the lyrics knowing how hot you look just a few feet away from me?"

"Why don't you show me?" I wink. He smashes his lips into mine and removes his grip from my wrists, moving his hands to my hips. He presses his body against mine as my arms gently fall down around his neck. I play with the hair at the base of his neck as he rubs his thumbs in circles on my hips. I feel his hands slide down my body onto my bum, they lay there lightly as Jack breaks away from me. He smiles and then opens his mouth to speak.

"Jump" He whispers seductively. I do as he says and wrap my legs around his waist. For a small boy he sure is strong. He carries me over to the sofa in the corner of the room and sits down. I unwrap my legs so that I straddle him and begin kissing him again. My fingers fumble around with the bottom of his shirt whilst he keeps his hands firmly on my butt. He laughs into the kiss and removes his shirt himself. He breaks away from the kiss to lift it above his head. I sit back and look at his abs.

"Damn" I mutter.

"Like what you see princess?" He smiles. I nod and plant a soft kiss on his lips. One of his hands snakes up to the back of my neck and pulls me back towards him. I smile before kissing him yet again.

"Yo Johnson are you-?" I hear Sam's voice as the dressing room door swings open. "Woah" He says taking in the sight before him. I scramble off of Jack's lap as he rushes to stand up. I watch as Jack throws his shirt on and pushes past Sam, running out of he room. What the hell? "Where's he going?" Sam questions.

"How am I meant to know?" I say standing up. I straighten out my dress and walk towards Sam.

"You look so good Megan" He smirks, licking his lips.

"That's what my boyfriend told me" I say sternly.

"He doesn't have to know"

"Will you just shut up Sam? I'm not interested in you. Like at all." I push past him to leave but he grips my wrist, yanking me back towards him. "Get off me Sam"

"You'll give in eventually" He spits, tightening his grip on my arm.

"Sam, you're hurting me" I whine.

"Let me pleasure you then" He says pulling me towards him. I use my free arm to push away from him slightly.

"I thought you were different to what everyone says. Turns out you really are just a twat who cares about nothing but where you can put your dick." I scoff. He looks taken aback by my words. His grip loosens and I pull my arm out of his grip. I turn and run out of the room.

"I'm sorry Megan" I hear him call behind me "Please forgive me" I turn back whilst still moving to see him stood in the corridor watching me escape from him. I turn back just as I run into a tall figure in front of me.

"Woah!" The figure says. "Megan?" I look up to see Gilinsky towering over me.

"Oh hey" I say looking back again. Sam's disappeared.

"You alright?" He says, prompting me to look back at him.

"Yeah" I smile fakely.

"I came to find you to tell you how sorry I am about earlier. It wasn't cool to proposistion you like that. I hope you can forgive me"

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now