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Am I dreaming? Are Jack and Jack really singing Cold Hearted to me?

When the song ends, both Jack kiss each of us on the cheek and we return to our positions in front of the gate. Meg turns to me and pinches me.

"Ouch!" I say smaking her arm lightly

"I just wanted to make sure I was awake" She says

"You're meant to pinch yourself you know" I say pinching her back.

"Jack Gilinsky just serenaded me" She says almost in tears.

"Jack Johnson just sung my all time favourite song to me" I say, tears filling my eyes "I'm gonna pass out" I say, my vison becoming blurred. My view goes black and I feel myself getting light headed. "Oh no"


When my vison comes back to me I find myself staring at a white ceiling.

"Hello" I hear a deep voice say. I sit up to see the body guard from earlier sat at the end on the sofa I am sat on. He holds out a glass of water and I take it wearily. I'll be fine- that's what I told my mum and myself. My mum told me never to take things from strangers.

"Carl dude, you're scaring her" I hear Sammy's voice behind me. I must be dreaming.

"I'll leave you with her then" Carl says getting up and walking out the door. Sam sits down on the end of the sofa.

"Hey" He says softly

"Hey" I say cooly, even though I'm fangirling so hard on the inside.

"Are you alright? One minute you were on the stage and the next you were unconcious on the fence" He says trying not to laugh.

"I'm fine. I'm really embarassed"

"Do you want a drink?" He says pulling a water from his pocket.

"Thanks?" I say unsure

"It's not poisioned. Look I'll prove it" He unscrews the cap of the bottle and take a sip of it. He starts to choke.

"Sam!" I say sitting up quickly to help him until he breaks into a laugh.

"I'm joking! See its perfectly fine" He hands it to me. I take a mouthful of it. I just shared a drink with Sam Wilkinson. I am seriously not okay. "So what's your name?" He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Megan" I repsond, taking his hand.

"How old are you?"


"You're pretty cute for a 17 year old" He smirks

"Thanks?" I question

"You act like you don't know that"

"I don't" I laugh. I turn my head away and start to blush.

"Now you do. Enjoying the show? Or what you saw of it?"

"It was amazing"

"I saw you singing along"

"I'm a big fan" I explain "I know all the words"

"Did you come with anyone?" Sam questions me. He maintains eye contact with me the whole time- have I mentioned how much I hate eye contact?

"Yeah my friend Meg and then we met 3 girls here" I state

"Do you wanna go get them? I wanna meet them!" He says excitedly. Sammy actually wants to meet my friends! Meg's going to get to meet Sam! This is the best day ever.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now