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We arrive outside the venue to see only about 10 girls queuing already. We pay and climb out of the taxi. We make our way over to the queue as a brunette girl at the back of the line turns to us.

"Hi!" She says excitedly

"Hey! Is this the Jack and Jack venue?" Meg asks polietly- although its quite obvious that it is. There's huge posters of Jack and Jack everywhere.

"Yeah! You're here so early!" The girl responds "So what kind of girl are you?" To a normal person that would sound insane, but not to a fangirl.

"I'm a Gilinsky Girl" Meg replies. "She's a Johnson girl" She adds pointing to me. I smile meekly and avoid contact. I hate meeting new people.

"Oh cool! I'm a Sammy girl myself but my friends are Gilinsky girls" She says pointing to two blonde girls- twins in fact.

"Hi! I'm Nia" One of them says "This is my twin sister Lia. In case you hadn't noticed"

"I'm Meg! And this is Megan" Meg introduces us

"Hi" I say timidly

"I'm Sarah" The first girl inputs. I drop my bag down next to the girls as Meg opens her and takes out the complimentary blanket she kept from the plane- it was a 14 hours flight afterall. "Wow you girls are really prepared!"

"It's an airplane blanket" I state, being more rude then I intended.

"Of course! You're English right? Or are you Australian? I always get those accents muddled up!" Sarah asks quickly, not noticing my tone.

"We're English" Meg explains "We came straight here from the airport actually"

"Oh wow" Sarah manages to say. She is obviously shocked. "You know, I've never met British fans. Let alone a British Johnson girl"

"We're rare but we're there" I rhyme

"I'll let you into a secret" She says gesturing for me to sit next to her. I straighten out Meg's blanket and sit next to Sarah. "Sometimes, I seriously swerve out of my lane because of JJ" She says seriously. The twins and Meg burst out laughing at her remark. I awkwardly join in with the laughing. Why wouldn't swerve into Johnson's lane? It is the best afterall.


We've been sat here for 3 hours now. Not many people have joined about 5 girls and 2 boys to be precise. I'm not surprised that no one is here- the show doesnt start until 7pm and it's now 12pm. I'm starting to get hungry, afterall plane food isn't the most appetising meal there is, is it?

"Guys, I'm so hungry" I groan. Fun fact: I'm always hungry.

"There's a store like a block away" Lia says getting up- or was it Nia? "I'll come with you" She smiles. She looks at me and holds out a hand to help me up. I take her hand and she pulls me to my feet. Meg hands me her purse from my bag- I'm the organised one out of us two. The other twin passes the one on her feet a purse too. Or a wallet as they call it.

"Thanks!" She says cheerfully "Pretzels right?" She laughs as her twin sister nods.

"Chocolate of course" I say, not even asking Meg. Meg loves chocolate almost as much as Jack Gilinsky.

"You know me too well!" Meg says

"Can you get me some chips?" Sarah says handing the twin a $10 bill. She nods and we start to walk away.

"I'm Lia by the way" Lia giggles, linking her arm through mine.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now