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Jack leads me towards the back of the bus. We walk through the door to see 4 long seats arranges like a normal bus. Occupying one of the seats is Jack and Meg- they're whispering to each other.

"Er guys" JJ speaks up making them jump.

"What?" JG snaps

"I think Sam is looking for you Jack" I add.

"Oh okay. I'll be right back babe" he says getting up, kissing Meg on the cheek.

"I'll come with you. Give these two some space" She winks at me. I smile back as if to say 'thanks'. As they walk past, I grab Meg's arm.

"Not so shy anymore" I giggle

"He's so hot. I love him so much" She says not answering my statement. I release my grip and she follows Jack out of the room.

They both leave and Jack pulls me over to one of the back seats.

"Sorry about that" He laughs nervously. "So where were we?" He smirks leaning in.

"Wait" I say pushing him off me. "I can't"

"Why?" He asks.

"I just can't" I say getting up. "They'll all hate me"

"Who will?" He says standing to face me.

"Your fans"

"I don't care what they think of you"

"Well I do, I can't block out the mean things they will say"

"Then let's not tell anyone" he says leaning in again "No one has seen us make out. No one has to know" He kisses me lightly again. We sit back down and he gently pushes me back. He kisses my lips again and I kiss back. He moves down onto my neck making me moan. "Your moans are sexy"

"Just like you" I flirt. He flips us over so I am now on top of him. I copy his actions and he smirks at me. "What? Am I doing it wrong?" Oh dear. Did I really just say that?

"No, it's perfect. You're perfect."

"You're such a sweet talker" I laugh kissing him again.


After about half an hour of kissing Jack we finally break away from eachother.

"Well that was an experience" I say catching my breath fully.

"Wow" He says also catching his breath.

"You're not just gonna kiss and ditch are you?" I laugh

"Of course not" He says taking my hand "I'm not that kind of guy"

"I guess"

"Tell me what's on your mind"

"I'm just thinking that this is crazy. I'm just a fan and now I'm sat here with you"

"Life's crazy" He says standing up. He pulls me up to him. He kisses my cheek. "Ready for our date?"

"What now?"

"That was the idea" He laughs

"But I haven't changed or anything"

"You don't need to, you look fab"

"I've been wearing this shirt for like 20 hours"

"Wear one of mine then" He shrugs.

Jack leads me towards the front of the bus. We stop at what looks like a wall to the left of me but Jack then slides it open to reveal a wardrobe stuffed with different articles of clothing.

"Well I wasn't expecting that"

"Impressive right" He smiles. He's so cute. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason" I say quickly, looking away.
"Here, this is my favourite shirt" He says handing me a shirt that I've seen him wear in pictures so many times. The purple spiral patterned tee with a white background. He looks so hot in this shirt.

"You're looking at me in that way again"

"What way?"

"I like you you know because you're not taking any of this for granted. I can tell you're in disbelief that this whole thing is happening to you. Well you better believe it baby" He winks

"You're so cute" I blush

"And you're so beautiful"

"Stop flirting with me gosh" I giggle.

"You like it really" He winks again "Put it on then"

"Don't look"

"But babe" He whines.

"I'm not your babe" I say bluntly. I'm joking obviously. I'm hiding my excitement. Jack just called me babe. Freaking out. He turns his back to me and I quickly switch my shirts around.


"Done!" I laugh. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the exit.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now