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When we return to the line, the amount of people has doubled. We get some dirty looks by the girls further back in the queue- I feel myself start to blush. I really hate being the centre of attention. Lia just flicks her long blonde hair dramatically and pulls me towards the girls.

"Are you alright? You look like you're about to cry" Meg says as soon as we meet up with them again.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say. Why do I have to be so sensitive all the time? I throw her 3 chocolate bars, she manages to catch them all at once. Meg has good hand-eye coordination. "3 for $2 can you believe that!" I say still shocked by the bargain.

"It's not that much of a deal" Lia laughs "You should have seen her in the store!" She says sitting down next to her sister. She pulls out her purchases and shares them between the 3 of them.

"What else did you get?" Meg asks me, looking in my shopping bag.

"Cookies of course" I laugh. Cookies are my absolute favourite, but Meg already knew that.

"Why am I not surprised?" She laughs

"These cookies are the best in the whole of America I swear" Lia says.

"She would know, she's a cookie enthusiast I swear" Sarah laughs. I open the packet and offer Lia one, her eyes light up and she accepts it.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaims. I offer Nia and Sarah one too but they decline. All the more for me then.


We sit talking about what other fandoms we are a part of- Meg, Sarah and Nia are all Janoskianators and Beliebers whereas Lia and I both love 5 Seconds of Summer.

"No way! Jai is definately the better looking twin" Meg argues with Sarah.

"Are you mad? Luke is so much hotter"

"They look the same?" I mutter to myself. Meg is constantly talking about Jai, Justin or Jack. I think she has a thing for boys with a J at the start of their name.

"Megan! I've told you this! Luke has a freckle on the bridge of his nose, Jai doesnt. Luke has a lip piercing and Jai has an eyebrow piercing. Jai's got straighter hair than Luke."

"So curly hair and a dot makes Luke uglier?" I say genuinely confused

"Basically" She smirks

"Crazy fangirls" I laugh and return to my conversation about favourite songs with Lia. I've never made friends this quickly with anyone before but Lia and I are really hitting it off.


It's now 6:30pm. Door opening time. A very muscular bald headed man with tanned skin comes out and attempts to quieten the crowd- unsuccessfully. Another man with the same physical features as the first man joins him.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please quieten down so we can get you in to see Jack and Jack" He says loudly, immediately starting a mass of cheering from the crowd just by the mention of their names. "Get your tickets out!" He adds, his voice booming over the screams.

"Tickets!" Meg says excitedly but worried at the same time, rustling through my bag. She pulls two tickets with Jack and Jack's picture on them. "Tickets!" She cheers, throwing her arms in the air.

"Tickets!" I mimic. We pack all of our stuff into our bags and prepare to go in.

"Alright! We're gonna take the first 15 of you in! You'll be at the front, you can put your bags and stuff over the fence. If we see any pushing and shoving, you will be removed from the premesis" The first man shouts.

"That's us! We're at the front!" I exclaim to my friends.

"I don't think I can do this" Meg says. She's not good in tight spaces. She panics when people get too close to her in concerts.

"You can" I take her hand and squeeze it. "When you start to panic, grab my hand and you'll be fine" I console.

"Okay" She exclaims, excited once again. "Let's do this!" She shouts as the line begins to move.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now