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"Wow" JJ says as we sit down on the boulder that Gilinsky had previously brought me to. Somehow it's even more amazing with hiim here. "How did you find this place?"

"Gilinsky brought me here"

"I bet he did" He says rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He always out does me. He brings beautiful girls to beautiful places and the majority of them fall in love with him"

"Not me" I laugh

"I guess"

"Jack, I really like you"

"I like you too"

"No I really really like you. I think about you every single day. It's crazy to think that a 6 second video made me fall in love with you" Stop yourself before you say anything even more stupid.

"Just think what 6 hours would do to you" he smirks. Guess it wasn't that bad.

"See there's the Jack I know and love" I laugh. We look out to the view ahead. Less than a day ago I was at home dreaming about meeting Jack and now I'm sat in the most perfect place with the perfect guy. Could my life get any better right now?

"Look, I usually don't date fans but do you wanna go out with me sometime?" Jack says nervously. I guess it could. "Like on a date?" He adds. YES! YES! YES! I'd marry you right now if you asked. Gotta keep it cool.

"I'd be honoured to" I smile

"We should get back" he says avoiding eye contact

"Has the Jack Johnson gone shy all of a sudden?" I laugh trying to gain eye contact.


"Come on just look at me. I know you want to" I tease

"I could look at you all day if I had to" He says under his breath.

"Don't make me blush" I laugh looking away. I turn back to see him looking at me now.

"You have the most interesting and beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life"

"Thanks Jack" I beam. I'm dying. He just complimented my eyes.

"Seriously, are they contacts? I've never seen eyes like yours before"

"Nope, I'm the real deal" I laugh

"They're like grey and blue and green all at the same time and then you've got bits of orange around your pupil. It's amazing"

"Says you. I'd kill to have your eyes" I say sternly "Okay, how stalker ish am I coming off here?"

"Not at all. It's cute" he says still looking into my eyes.

Suddenly his eyes clamp shut and he begins to lean in. He's going to kiss me. Stay cool Megan. Please I beg you. I close my eyes too and lean in. We touch and it feels like a thousand fireworks have all been set off at once. He's perfect.

"It's getting kinda dark" he states as we break apart

"Yeah" I say awkwardly, looking at my feet. I can't kiss for shit.

"You're not a bad kisser- if that's what you were thinking" How did he know that?

"It wasn't"

"Then why have you gone all shy all of a sudden?" He smirks

"I was just thinking"

"About what?"

"Nothing. It's not important" I say getting up. I take his hand and drag him up too.

"Woah Jack who's the hottie?" I hear a familiar voice say as I follow Jack into the bus. I turn the corner to see Nate looking at me, grinning at me.

"Skate this is Megan" Sam says standing up, walking towards me. He kisses my cheek and turns to me. "She's my girl so don't get any ideas" He smirks.

"I'm not your girl Sammy" I laugh, detaching myself from him.

"Well Gilinsky is more interested in your best friend than you so take a chance with me sweetheart"

"Where is Meg?" I ask looking around.

"Probably making out with Gilinsky somewhere" Skate says standing up. "Hi Megan. I'm Nate or Skate. Whichever you prefer. Nice to meet you" He says holding his hand out. I take it and he shakes our hands. This is so awkwardly formal. I never imagined me meeting Nate would start with a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too"

"So let's get this straight. You're a Gilinsky girl but he's gone off with your best friend Meg doing God knows what."

"Well actually" I start. I look at Jack- he seems kind of upset. "I actually really like Jack here" I smile at him.

"So Gilinsky actually owes me $10" Sam says walking away.

"Well Jack's a lucky guy and if he takes advantage of you because of your feelings towards him, tell me and I'll slap him for you"

"When have I ever done that?" Jack speaks up.

"I'm just saying" Nate laughs "So, do you have a curfew?"

"Nope, we don't even have a place to stay" I say

"Why don't you stay on the bus with us tonight?" Nate says

"We don't want to be in the way" i respond "there isn't even room for us"

"Well no doubt Meg can share with JG and I'm sure Sam would be happy to share with you" He winks

"You can share with me" Jack speaks up. "Sam's no good for her. She's too innocent and he's too..well Sam"

"You're too protective man" Skate says shaking his head.

"Don't worry, I like protective guys" I whisper to Jack.

"I like innocent girls" He retaliates.

"I'm not that innocent" I smirk "But you'll have to wait and see" I wink. What? I'm flirting with Jack and he's flirting back. Do not hyperventilate.

"Fuck that's hot" he laughs looking me up and down.

"What can I say?" I laugh gesturing to myself.

"Come with me right now" He says dragging me further into the bus.

"Where are we going?"

"I need to have a heated make out session with you right now" Wow. I didn't know he was this forward. I thought he was the cute, innocent Jack. Guess not. I'm not complaining though.

"Well you won't hear me complaining"

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now