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Jack G gets up, making his way towards me.

"Come with me. I know the perfect place for selfie lighting" He laughs taking my hand, pulling me up after him. I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me.

After about 5 minutes of walking with Gilinsky, he stops and turns to me.

"We're here" He says sitting down on a large boulder nearby. I sit next to him and look around me. We are on top of a hill or maybe a cliff? Below us theres's a forest, the sun is setting and it's very beautiful. "It's nice here isn't it?"

"It's beautiful"

"I like coming here to get away from it all"

"Get away from it all?"

"Yeah. Being here reminds me of who I really am. I just get so wrapped up in all the performing and the fans. I forget what I'm actually like"

"I get that"

"So has he told you how beautiful you are?" He says out of the blue.

"What? Who?"

"Your boyfriend?" He sighs. I can't help but burst out laughing. "What?" He says innocently.

"I don't have a boyfriend" I laugh

"Wow" He says shaking his head.

"Wow what?"

"Its nothing" He says staring out ahead of him.

"Jack come on. Please tell me"

"Its just, I find it hard to believe that you're single"

"I never said I was single" I say deadly serious.

"Wait you're a- you like girls?"


"Oh my god" He says shocked.

"I'm joking!" I say begining to laugh "How can I be a lesbian if I'm 1000% in love with Jack?"

"Oh so you're a Johnson girl then?"

"You could say that"

"Dammit! I owe Sam $10 now"

"What did you bet on?"

"I bet him $10 that you were a Gilinsky girl. He didn't think so."

"I'm happy to help you earn $10 from him. All I'd have to do is a bit of fangirling and saying how madly in love with you I am"

"You'd do that for me?"

"5 months ago I would have been willing to sell my kidney for a selfie with you. I'm sure I can manage it"

"You're one of those hardcore fans then. I'll take selfies with you, but you can keep your kidney" He laughs. I can see why Meg likes him- he's so hot.


"Where have you two been?" Sam asks as we sit back on the bus.

"Jack kidnapped me" I laugh "I didn't mind though" I wink at JG.

"So Sam I think you owe me 10 bucks" JG laughs.

"You're a Gilinsky girl?" Sam says getting his wallet out "Wow I did not see that coming"

"Yep, I dream about Gilinsky every night and think about him every day"

"No you don't" Meg interupts. I give her a look to say 'just go with it' "Oh wait yeah you do, I was thinking about a different person" Nice save Meg.

"So yeah, that's me- a big old gilinsky girl" I lie.

"I'll be right back" JJ says walking out.

"What's wrong with him?" Meg says.

"I'll go talk to him" Gilinsky says following Jack off the bus. A few minutes later he comes back in. "He said he wants to talk to you Megan"


"Hey blue eyes" I say sitting next to JJ. Wow that was embarrassing. "Sorry" I laugh "I think I'm funny but I'm actually not"


"You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah" He says. He leaves a pause before talking again. "Sorry about back there"

"What's going on with you?"

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I've had like 1 proper girlfriend. I meet thousands of girls pretty much every day. But I'm hung up on you after knowing you for less that 2 hours"

"I'm confused"

"It's you. Since I first met you I can't stop thinking about what my life would be life with you in it. You're really messing me up man- you're so beautiful and smart and funny and confident and your laugh is ut the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life. You'll never know how good I feel when I've made you laugh. I think you're adorable and amazing. I'm thinking that you must be pretty special to make me feel like this when I don't even know you so just think how amazing you must be to people who actually know you"

"Then what's wrong?" I say despite the fact that I'm slowly dying on the inside. Jack Johnson. The Jack Johnson likes me.

"You like my best friend"

"Are you kidding me? I don't like Jack. Of course I like him but I don't like him, like him because Meg likes him and that would be horrible to her because she's like full on fangirl" I ramble quickly.

"Slow down. I can't understand what you're saying!" Jack laughs gripping my shoulders.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm a Johnson girl. I'm such a Johnson girl it's unhealthy. You're so hot and cute at the same time that I cry whenever I see you. I'm so obsessed with you Jack I wouldn't be surprised if I tried to clone you" I laugh.

"Woah. Sorry I freaked out on you. Girls usually prefer him to me- I mean look at him and then look at me"

"Shut up Jack. You're amazing" I say "I'm so happy that I'm here with you and not with Jack or Sam or Kenny or Nate or Cody or Jake" I say getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Come with me"

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now