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Megan's POV

"Okay now we should go" I say rolling off of him onto the bed.

"Can you walk?" Jack laughs.

"You're not that magical" I laugh in return, getting out of the bed. I stand up and take a step forwards, dropping to the floor straight away. "Okay maybe I lied" I cackle. I watch as he climbs out of bed, pulling on his pants and then runs round to help me up. I just about stand long enough to pull on my own clothes.

"Piggy back?" Jack offers once we are both ready to leave. Obviously I agree and he bends down to let me climb on his back. I smile to myself as he pulls me up and grabs my suitcase opening the door to reveal Gilinksy stood outside.

"Hi" He says.

"Jack?" I ask.

"J was gone ages, I wanted to check on him" Gilinsky says looking to the floor.

"I'm fine dude" Jack smiles. "Actually I'm better than fine" He laughs. I kiss his head.

"You guys did it didn't you?" Gilinsky looks hurt. "You both have sex hair" He says as I flatten out my own hair and then run a hand through Jack's.

"Jack-" Johnson starts.

"I'm happy for you dude. You finally got laid. I mean that's what you set out to do this tour wasn't it?" Gilinsky blurts. Why would he say that? He knows I'm not interested in him. I love Jack Johnson not Jack Gilinsky. No need to be all whiney about it.

"Let's go" I say breaking the ice between the boys. They're glaring at one another. Jack and I instantly walk away from Gilinsky leaving him watching the two of us all loved up once again.

Once I've checked out and Jack has told the elderly couple to 'keep the change'; he drives me back to the bus. I take a deep breath before getting out of the car. I look up at the massive black bus with both boys' faces plastered on the side. Wow I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard for all this. Jack sees me staring and squeezes my hand urging me to get out. I look at his smile and can't help but beam back. This boy has made me so happy for so long and now I've actually got the chance to make him feel the same way- so long as I don't screw it up again. I need to play nice from now on.

"You okay?" Jack beams as we get to the bus door. I turn my head to his side and nod. He reaches up and opens the door. I take another deep breath and follow him inside. "I'm back" He yells as we turn the corner revealing all the boys and Meg sat in a circle; Sam in the centre.

"Megan" Meg breathes a sigh of relief.

"Hey" I smile meekly. She jumps up and runs to hug me. I stumble back slightly as the force of her hug.

"I'm glad you're back. One night and these boys have been driving me crazy" She laughs.

"Glad to be back"

"So did you and Jack make up?"

"You could say that" I wink.

"No freaking way!" She yells "I knew there was something different about you" She beams. "How was it?"

"I refuse to have this conversation with you" I laugh.

"One word answer?"

"Mind-blowing" I laugh as she raises her eyebrow. "It's hyphenated so technically it's one word."

"Okay smarty-pants" She laughs returning to her seat. I follow her and sit down next to her trying to avoid eye contact with Sam.

"So Jack" I hear Jake laugh. "We all see the hair. How was it?" Jack looks to me. I try to stop myself from laughing. These boys aren't much different from Meg and I after all.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now