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"What's wrong?" I say making my way towards Gilinsky.

"You might wanna look at this tweet that Meg just made off my account..." He holds out his phone to me. I read it aloud.

"I ship it... @JackJackJohnson @dazedjohnsons" I say trailing off as I see a picture attatched of Jack and I... kissing.

"Oh shit" Meg says realising it wasn't her account. "Megan, Jack I'm so sorry!" I look to Jack- he doesn't really seem fazed by it.

"You okay?" I ask him softly.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about you" He smiles sympathetically.


"You're gonna get hit with so much hate" Meg answers for him. "Just what you said you didn't want when you were deciding whether to be with Jack or not" She says looking at her feet in shame.

"You know what? I'm gonna put it out there straight away" Johnson says taking his phone out of his now dry trouser pocket. He holds it up and begins to record himself. "Hey guys! By now you've probably all seen the picture and I want to tell you all that this is Megan" He says showing me on the video. I wave meekly. "And I think she's amazing. I'm not exactly good at telling my feelings but I really like this girl so I hope you can all appreciate her as much as I do! Bye" He says putting his phone in his pocket. "There we go"

"And you think that's going to be okay?" I spit.

"You're mad?"

"Yes Jack! You just told the whole world you have feelings for me. Do you even know how many girls are going to send me hate?"

"I thought I was doing the right thing?"

"You were Jack" Meg says kindly. "She's just scared okay? Give her a chance" I watch as his face crumples slightly, as if he's about to cry. I've never seen Jack cry and I don't want to now. I walk over to him and hug him tightly.

"I'm sorry" He whispers.

"Don't be" I smile into his chest. "So what does this make us now?"

"Well I was gonna ask you at dinner sometime soon but-" He lets go, reaches in his pocket and pulls out a ring whilst bending on one knee.


"I'm not asking you to marry me." He laughs "It's a promise ring" I look at him confused. I thought they only had those in movies? "Megan will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm will I?" I say struggling not to laugh "Yeah I guess so" I smirk. This has to be a dream. As if I really flew to America, met Jack&Jack, slept on the tourbus and now Johnson (aka the love of my life) is asking me to be his girlfriend.

"I know it's really sudden but I feel like I've known you forever. I've been stalking your twitter and instagram for ages"


"Apart from you went on private for a bit"

"Jack are you joking me?" I say urgently.

"Nope" He smirks "I've liked you for ages"

"But you don't even follow me?"

"I've read every tweet you've ever written on your fan account"

"What the hell?"

"This sounds really creepy right?" He laughs

"You could say that" I laugh.

"So anyway..." He laughs awkwardly "Shall we go ride some more rollercosters?" He says reaching out for my hand. I take it and we walk to another ride.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now