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We pull up outside the bus and there are no fans to be seen. They must all be in the meet&greet- at least that means we can get Sam inside without anyone noticing us. All 3 of us climb out of the car. Sam seems to be a lot better now, bruises cover almost every part of his face but at least he's completely conscious and talking now.

"I'm fine!" He protests as I attempt to hold him upright. "I've been in plenty of fights that were a lot worse that that"

"Are you sure?" I ask worried.

"Yes" he assures me. "Let's get inside" I nod and follow him into the bus pulling my suitcase along behind me. He looks at the digital alarm clock placed in the middle of the table. 3:50pm.

"Crap" he says under his breath.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm supposed to be in sound check. 10 minutes ago. I can't go in like this" he gestures towards his face.

"Chill Sam, I got you" Meg says sitting him down on a nearby chair. "Can I have your powered foundation?" She looks at me. I shrug and unpack the stuffed makeup bag Meg insisted I bring for 'emergencies'. I don't use anything in there. I don't even know what's in there. I hand it to her and she rummages through it. She brushes foundation onto Sam's cheeks until the bruising has almost completely disappeared.

"Et voilà!" She exclaims, she holds up a mirror in front of him as he looks at himself in awe.

"Wow, how'd you do that?" He says shocked.

"Foundation works wonders" She laughs.

"If either of you tell anyone that I'm wearing this much makeup then I'll kick you off the bus" He says struggling not to laugh.

"I promise you that I won't" I hold my pinky out towards him, he wraps his around mine and smiles.

"Promise" Meg beams at him.

"We have to go, soundcheck is happening right now!" Sam says jumping up. He's like a different person from earlier- you wouldn't guess he'd been beaten up by a 14 stone man.

"You guys go on ahead, I need to take a shower and change! I'll meet you later" I promise them. They both nod in agreement and leave the bus. I breathe out heavily and then drag my suitcase to the back of the bus. I place it carefully on the back chair and unzip it. everything seems to be there- looks like Kayla wasn't so bad afterall. I should make an effort for Jack right? I mean if he likes me wearing 2 day old clothes then he'll adore me all fresh and clean. I decide to wear a short neon yellow skater skirt and a black lace top with some black sandals with a heel. I grab my chosen outfit along with the beach towel I brought, shampoo, conditioner and body wash. I carry them all to the bathroom; luckily theres a working shower in here. I shower quickly and then dry myself off. I change into my outfit and wrap my hair in the towel and walk back out into the main bus area.

"Damn" I hear a voice behind me. I spin quickly to see Gilinsky stood before me, licking his lips.

"Oh hey Jack" I smile, pretending I don't notice. He doesn't respond, he just looks me up and down over and over again. I shrug and walk to Meg's suitcase, bending down and unzipping it in search of the hairdryer she brought.

"Cute little ass" I hear him mutter. I ignore it and fish around for the dryer. I eventually find it, along with her hair straighteners. I pull then both out and plug in the hair dryer to the nearby socket using a plug adapter. Jack sits down on the couch opposite me, watching me. It doesn't take long to completely dry my hair so I immediately plug in the straightener. I straighten my hair to perfection as I see Gilinsky staring at me in the corner of my eyes.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now