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Take a chance. Take a chance. Anything could happen. Come on Megan, make it happen. '20 seconds of courage'- that's all it takes.

I nod and look into Jack's eyes. I lean in and kiss him. Am I dreaming? I'm kissing Jack. I'm going to faint. Please don't. Please don't. Don't make an idiot of yourself.

"See that wasn't so hard" Jack says as we break away

"I guess" I say, unable to look him in the eyes. He lifts my chin up with his finger.

"It wasn't as bad as you think it was"

"Jee thanks" I laugh, still avoiding contact.

"Look at me. Megan" He orders so I do. "You're great"

"Not as great as you"

"Flattery" He says rolling his eyes

"Oh shut up" I say shoving him slightly.

"I'm glad I met you today" He says looking at his watch "I have to go wrap up the show. Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes" He says getting up quickly and rushing to the door.


Let's recap. So today I've been on a plane, waiting in a queue for ages, got into the front row, got pulled on stage by the boy I'm madly in love with. Then I fainted over the fence, got dragged into a room by a body guard, met Sam, met Jack, kissed Jack and then was told that he's gald he met me. Yeah- I'm totally fine, don't worry about me. Not. I'm totally freaking out right now.

I am proud of myself though, I haven't broken down in tears yet. Yet.


A few minutes later Meg bursts through the doors.

"What is happening?" She screams.

"This is mental"

"Sam Wilikinson just came and dragged me out of the crowd"

"Oh yeah, that's my fault. Sorry you missed the end of the show"

"Screw the end of the show. I met Sam Wilkinson. He knew my name!"

"I know I know! Meg focus for a second. I have something really life changing to tell you"


"I kissed Jack"

"My Jack"

"No! I'd never kiss JG- he's yours"

"Oh shit Megan. How are you still alive?"

"I honestly don't know"

"How is that even possible?"

"He asked me to as well" I say shaking my head in disbelief

"He what?" She says startled. I recall the events of the past few minutes with Sam and Jack to Meg as she sits stunned to silence. That means a lot coming from Meg- she's always got something smart to say. Have you met Gilinsky?"


"Why didn't you ask Sarah, Nia and Lia to come backstage too?"

"I thought I'd give you all the time with Jack. You'd do that for me"

"Yeah your right. See this is why you're my best friend- you now how much I love Jack"

"I won't even talk to him if you don't want me to"

"Don't be an idiot. You have to talk to him. I'm not going to let you leave our 2 week holiday without having spoken to him"


"I'm telling you dude. The asian one is hot" We hear Sam's voice from the corridor.

"Who's he talking to?" Meg asks me as if I'm meant to know.

"I can't see through walls Meg" I laugh. She knows I'm joking.

"Guys, I totally disagree. The white one is hot as fuck" We hear JJ's voice now.

"Megan. He thinks you're hot" Meg whispers.

"Nah, he's talking about some other girl" I whisper back

"What's her name again?" Gilinsky asks Jack and Sam.

"Megan" They say simultaneously.

"Some other girl yeah?" Meg says rolling her eyes

"Shut up" I laugh "They're coming in"


"Hey girls" Gilinsky beams. He looks around. "This room is a bit pathetic" He reaches oout for Meg's and my hands. We each pick up our bags that Meg and Sammy brought back and take his hand.

"Where are we going?" Meg whispers to me

"Ask him" I say, nodding towards Gilinsky.

"I can't. Please just ask him"

"Fine" I whisper back. "Hey Jack you're not kidnapping me are you?" I turn to Johnson and Sam.

"Maybe" He smirks

"Not funny man. I'm in a foreign country. I'm vulnerable"

"Vulnerable girls are the best" Sam flirts

"Dude you sound like a rapist" Gilinsky says sternly "I'm taking them to the bus. It's a lot more homely in there"

"Oh my god" Meg mutters under her breath. This is crazy- it's as if we have completely swapped attitudes. I am actually able to talk to the boys and Meg is too scared to.


We arrive ouside the tourbus and Jack lets go of our hands. JJ appears by my side.

"Not too bad you know" I say staring up at the gigantic picture of him on the bus.

"Not too bad yourself"

"Do you flirt with all of the girls you meet?"

"Only the beautiful ones"

"How many is that?"

"Hmm, give me a second" He says beginning to count on his fingers "Yep, just you"

"Smooth" I laugh

"Come on, let me show you my living quarters" He says in a fake British accent.

"No one in England says that" I laugh following him into the bus.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now