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I walk until I can't walk any further. No one came after me. No one even bothered to call my phone. No one checked to see if I was safe. No one cares. I spot a nearby run down motel and walk towards it. It's the only hotel around plus it's gonna be pretty cheap to stay here so it shouldn't be all bad. I drag my things up to the front desk where an elderly lady greets me.

"Hello dear, are you lost?" She smiles.

"Hi, I'm looking to book a room" I smile.

"You're one of the few guests we've had this year" she says, brushing a frail hand through her white hair. She lifts a book up onto the desk and flips through the pages.

"How much will it be for 13 nights?" I ask politely.

"$100" she smiles, looking up for her book. Wow that's cheap. "I'll put you in my best room" she beams "follow me dear" she shuffles out behind the desk and I follow her up the stairs. This place looks like the motel they go to in the movie 'joy ride'- let's hope it doesn't turn out like that though.

"This was were a movie was filmed- joy ride. One of the best days of my life. Everyone came here for the few years afterward but now, no one ever comes." The old lady sighs as if reading my mind. "Don't worry, nothing like that has ever happened here before" She giggles. She leads me to a room and unlocks the door, swinging it open. It's totally not what I would have expected. There's a new looking king sized bed in the middle with a flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a mini fridge below it and new spiral wall paper on the walls.

"Wow" I smile in disbelief.

"It's nice right? No one even gives this place a chance anymore. They judge it on the outside not the inside. Ran out of money for the outside refurbishment you see" she smiles.

"This is amazing"

"Well I'll leave you to it. If you need me then press 1 on the phone and it'll put you straight through to the front desk. That's where I've always been and always will be- 40 years today you know."

"Well happy 40 years today" I smile, walking fully into the room.

"Thank you! Have a nice stay" she says before leaving, shutting the door behind her. I throw my luggage on the bed and sit on the edge. I pull out my phone to see 1 new message.
J💗- I'm sorry.

Whatever. I don't want to hear it. I can't believe I ever thought that this dream would be a reality. Why did I not see that not all fairytale a end in happily ever after? I look on Twitter and click on Jack's profile by habit- I check that thing at least 20 times a day, even though I know he's alseep when I'm awake. Timezones. Who loves them?
@jackjackjohnson 'I've really messed up this time'
@jackjackjohnson 'stupid'
@jackjackjohnson 'I love you'
I can't take this. I lock my phone and throw it against the wall- immediately regretting it. Luckily it didn't smash. Not even a scratch.

"What am I doing?" I mutter to myself. I shrug and pull my suitcase off the bed. I unzip it and take this stupid outfit off; screwing it up into a ball and throwing it in. I pull out my pyjamas and put them on just in time to catch my phone ringing. I look at the screen. Unknown number. I answer it and wait for them to talk.

"Hey" I hear Cody's voice and feel myself relax slightly. "I came back and the boys said you'd gone."

"Yeah, I caused too much shit there"

"Well if you ever wanna hang out then that would be cool" I can tell he's smiling on the other end of the phone. "I mean, you're a beautiful girl and Jack's an idiot to let that go." He adds. Great. Just as I thought someone was being nice for once instead of trying to bang me.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now