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Jack was right- it is homely in here. Its actually a lot nicer than my room is back in England.

"Nice right" JJ laughs

"Really nice" I agree

"Here sit!" Sam calls over from the sofa type thing at the side of the bus. Jack looks to me and I shrug, making my way over to Sam. I sit down next to him and he puts his arm around my neck.

"So Megan and Meg" Jack G starts "What brings you to LA?"

I look to Meg, waiting for her to answer. This is her chance to talk to Jack. She shakes her head.

"Well you did. We got tour tickets for Meg's birthday and plane tickets for mine" I explain.

"Oh cool, so when are your birthdays?" Sam answers. I look to Meg again. Yet again she shakes her head- begging me not to make her talk. What is wrong with her?

"Mine's the 25th August and hers is the 25th March"

"That's the day after mine!" JJ adds excitedly. He's so cute when he's excited. What am I saying? He's always cute.

"How old are you girls?" Gilinsky questions, looking directly at me. I guess he's realised that Meg is unable to talk to him.

"17" I smile. I look at Meg- she looks annoyed at herself. "Can you give us a second?" I say getting up. I nod for Meg to follow and make my way off the bus. Seconds later she appears by my side.

"What?" She says

"What is your problem?" I say "We fly all the way to America to meet these boys and you haven't said a word to them!"

"I tried. Really I did. What if I say something stupid and then they hate me?"

"They're a lot nicer than that. Jack's gonna love you. He has to" I say

"I can tell Jack and Sam like you"

"Sam said you were hot"

"But he said you were beautiful. Beautiful trumps hot anyday"

"Whatever Meg. I'm not interested in Sam- you know that"

"I'm dying to talk to Sam and Jack but with everyone staring at me I just freeze"

"Fine, I'll talk to JJ aka the love of my life and you can talk to the other 2" I say getting back on the bus.

We climb back up the stairs to find Jack, Sam and Jack watching us. Jack G is beaming at me. I don't know why though. We take our seats again and I turn to Johnson.

"So Johnson, are you going to bless me with selfie opportunities?" I say making him laugh.

"I'd be honoured" He says as I rummage through my bag to find my phone. I retreive it and start to turn it on. But it doesn't- it's dead. "Dead battery? No sweat, we can take them on mine" He says waving his phone in front of me. I smile and move closer as he holds the phone out in front of us.


After taking what feels like a thousand selfies, Sam speaks up.

"Can I take some selfies with you Megan?"

"If you really want to"

"I do" He laughs awkwardly. Is Sam Wilkinson turning shy? We take selfies on his phone too.


Meg and Jack are actually talking. Every so often I look over to them, most of the time Jack is looking straight at her, engaing in the conversation. I look over again. This time he's looking at me. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.

"Is it my turn for pictures yet?" He laughs, still looking at me.

"I guess" My gaze turns to Meg, who is looking at me. I look uneasy but she nods, saying its's okay. After all, what harm could a few pictures do?

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now