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"You up?" I hear my best friend of 6 years say as she walks into my room. She lives 5 minutes away from me so she's either always here or I'm at hers.

"No" I groan rolling back over in my bed. She yanks the covers off me and flops down onto the bed next to me.

"Airport. 2 hours time" She states. I roll over to her.

"You're joking right?" I sit up with a start. I look at the time and groan, already walking across the hallway to my bathroom. I shower and change into my favourite grey sweatshirt and some shorts. I come back into my room to find her taking selfies on my phone.

"Are we going to tell our parents that we didn't book a hotel?" I ask

"Nah, we'll find some cheap place to stay. It's fine"

"Why did I agree to your crazy plan again?"

"What happens if we meet Jack and Jack and they fall in love with us and beg us to come on tour with them?"

"That's not going to happen. Jack will never fall in love with me"

"Stop saying that! How do you expect him to if you don't believe he will?"

"That didn't make sense"

"Shut up and dry your hair" She orders. I don't mind taking orders from her, she's my best friend after all.

She finally gets up, starting to make my bed. "Come on. I've been up for hours, I'm ready to go and you're obviously not"

"I need all the battery I can get if we are going straight to the venue from the airport" I say, putting it back onto charge.

"True, we'll be relying on your phone" She says. Meg decided she doesn't need a phone, she's just attatched to her iPod instead.

"What about our suitcases? Where are we going to put them?" I say.

"I've already told you all of this!" She says picking my already packed suitcase up, putting it on my bed. "My friend who lives in LA is coming to pick our stuff up from us"

"Do you trust her? With all of our stuff I mean" I say worried. I'm the one who likes to plan things out, know exactly what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. Meg on the other hand likes to live in the moment, I'll give it to her though, she seems to have planned this all out pretty well.

"She's not a crazy pshyco if that's what you're thinking"

"I wasn't" I say packing my money, passport, tickets and other essentials into my carry on bag. "I'm just saying"

"We can trust her" She says adding more things to my bag "I promise"



Hi, I'm Megan and I'm a little bit in love with Jack Johnson. I'm 5"7.5 with medium length brunette hair and pale white skin. My birthday is August 25th 1997 so that means I'm 17.

Meet my best friend Meg and she's a little bit in love with Jack Gilinsky. She's 5"6.5 with long dark brown hair and light brown skin. Her birthday is March 25th 1997 so she's 17 too.

It's now September so my birthday was a month ago and guess what I got- plane tickets. 2 plane tickets to America, to see Jack and Jack on tour. One for me and one for Meg. She got Jack and Jack tour tickets for her birthday, 7 months ago. I guess our parents coordinated our birthday presents this year.

We're from England, in case you hadn't guessed yet. So this trip is a big deal. It's our first trip away together- no parents, no siblings, just us.

Anything could happen.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now