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"Hey pretty lady" Johnson says, his eyes lighting up as he looks over to me. I smile in response. He stands up from the couch and walks over to me. He stands before me not knowing what to say. I step closer and hug him tightly. His hand runs up and down my back as I try not to melt in his arms. I can tell he wants to ask me how I am, maybe he's just scared of the answer.

"Don't you have a meet and greet to get to?" I try to laugh.

"Yeah, session 1 starts soon, then we've got soundcheck" He lets me go and holds me at arms length.

"How many sessions do you have?" I ask

"3" He groans, letting go of me. "I love meeting fans but I feel bad how they pay all that money just for a 30 second conversation and a picture"

"I get that" I smile genuinely. He cares so much about his fans, it's adorable. "How many people are going to soundcheck?"

"Umm" He starts. He's counting in his head. "7"


"Cody, Jake, Kenny, Nate, Sam, Meg and you" He smirks.

"Oh really? And when were you going to tell me this?"

"I forgot" He pouts- yet again being adorable. "Sorry" He looks at his feet. I use my index finger to lift his head and kiss his cheek. "Is that all I get?"

"For now" I smirk.

"Ooh get some Johnson" Sammy yells. I didn't even see him there.

"So Sam, when are you taking me and Meg to get our stuff?" I giggle.

"When did I agree to that?" He groans.

"I survived slingshot remember?" I say subconciously twirling my hair in my fingers.

"How could I forget that? It was pretty hot afterall" He smirks walking towards me.

"Keep it in your pants Samuel. There's only boy around here that could get some of this and it's not you" I smirk.

"You're a party pooper" He groans. "Tonight I'm definitely bringing back a girl who's more willing"

"Girl's weren't put on this world to pleasure you, you know" I sigh.

"I think you'll find that I pleasure them"

"Don't make me throw up"

"Just say the word and I'll prove it to you"

"Whatever minger. Can we go now?" I laugh. He nods and Meg stands up, following us out.


"So where am I actually going?" Sam says pulling out of the parking lot. The boys have hired a car for the next two weeks seeing as they're performing in LA so that they can get places easier and more discretely. Meg sits in the front passenger seat holding Sam's phone for the maps app. She directs him to the address Kayla gave her. We pull up outside in about 10 minutes and sit back in our seats, staring at the building in front of us.

"This can't be it?" I say bewildered.

"This is the address that she gave me" Meg shrugs.

"Sam?" I ask, not completely sure of the rest of the sentence.

"I've been here before" he mutters.

"You're joking?"

"I hooked up with a girl who lived here, only to find out the next morning that her boyfriend was staying in the next room"

"Savage" I can't help but laugh. Only that could happen to Sam.

"This is the right place" Meg says double checking the piece of paper in her left hand. I look back at the rundown, old building before me. Surely that's not safe to live in? "I can't go in there. What if I get an STI?"

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now