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He wants us to hang out with them tomorrow? I thought they would have thrown us out by now- considering all the things I've heard about them on Twitter. Maybe they aren't like all the 'exposing" accounts say.

A few minutes later Jack returns holding a duvet and 2 pillows in his arms. I stand up to take them from him but he shakes his head at me.

"What are you doing?"

"What are YOU doing?" I retaliate.

"You aren't sleeping in here, I can't let my guest sleep on the couch. You can take my bed and I'll sleep here tonight."

"I can't let you do that. I've slept in much worse places trust me- I can deal with it"

"Woah, didn't have you down as a street kinda girl"

"I actually meant the worst place I've slept is in a tent on my trampoline but whatever floats your boat" I laugh, also earning a laugh from Jack.

"Seriously, go, take my bed"

"Nope" I say folding my arms across my chest. Oh, one thing you need to know about me is that I'm extremely stubborn. Admittedly, I don't know how much longer I can argue with him for- he's just so cute. How could I say no?

"Please Megan. Do this for me?"

"Fine" I give in. "But only because you let me sleep here in the first place and I owe you"

"Yes, you do. But I don't think this will be enough to repay me" he smirks before setting up his bed.

"Goodnight" I say leaning over to kiss his cheek. His head turns sharply and my lips crash into his once again. Out of the corner of my eye I see him drop the pillows and feel him wrap one arm around my waist and the other hand cups my cheek. I place my hands on his chest and he continues to kiss me softly. I break away and lightly brush my lips against his before walking out the door.

"Tease" I hear him call behind me. I smirk to myself before I bump into a half naked Sam Wilkinson. I could get used to this.

"Oh hey" he says looking me up and down. "J's shirt. Cute" he says sourly. "I still think you'd look better without it" He adds flirtatiously.

"Oh really?" I respond playfully. I'd never go there with Sam. Like ever. But there's no harm in flirting is there?

"I think you'd look better wearing me" He flirts. Cringe. As if I haven't heard that one before.

"You're going to have to try harder than that Samuel" I smirk, sneakily looking him up and down.

"Don't you worry, I will." He says before climbing into his designated bunk bed.

"Where should I sleep?" I hear Meg's voice approaching me.

"I don't know" Kenny says back.

"You could share with me?" Gilinsky asks her.

"Do I look like that type of girl to you?" She smirks "I don't put out that easily- especially before the first date"

"I wasn't-" Gilinsky starts.

"I know you weren't babe. I was joking" she says laughing and shaking her head.

"You can share with me?" I offer. "Sure, it's a tight fit but we could make it work."

"Okay! It'll be like a sleepover!" She cheers enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" I reply with just as much enthusiasm. "One condition though- I sleep on the side furthest from the wall"

"How come?" Gilinsky asks.

"Meg can sleep for hours and hours. I don't wanna be stuck in that tiny hole for an endless amount of time while she catches up on her beauty sleep" I laugh. She shrugs and kisses Jack on the cheek before climbing into the bunk. I say goodnight to the rest of the boys and follow her in. We lie side by side staring at the ceiling.

"So what should we do tomorrow?" She asks. This is when I probably should tell her the boys' plan- but here's the thing. Meg hates rollercosters. With a passion. I think it's best if I tell her when we get there so she can't back out as easily.

"I don't know" I lie. "When do we get our stuff back?"

"Well Kayla's gone out of town for the weekend until Monday but she said her room mate would be there so we could go anytime or she'll drop it off to us when she's back."

"That's 2 more days until she gets back. You really didn't think this through did you?"

"I did! The plan just went a bit off course. I'm not as organised as you okay?" She laughs

"Sure" I laugh too. "So you and Jack huh?"

"It was bound to happen. I can be very persuasive" I get the feeling that her new relationship is very different to mine (if that's what you can even call them). I close my eyes and think about the whirlwind of a day I've had. I still find it hard to believe that I'm here. I feel as though I'm going to wake up soon and this will all be an extremely realistic fantasy.


I wake with a start. I sit up quickly, bashing my head hard on the ceiling in the process. What time is it? I reach over Meg to find her iPod which never leaves her side and look for the time. 8:00am. I slide out of the bunk to see 6 boys circles around me.

"Well this is a strange awakening" I laugh. They're all fully dressed and wearing backpacks.

"We were just discussing whether to wake you guys or not" Jake Foushee explains. "We wanna get to the park early to avoid as many fans as we can" he adds. He must see the disappointed look on my face because he opens his mouth to speak agsin.

"Don't get us wrong, we love meeting the fans but sometimes we just need a little downtime when we're in public" Gilinsky explains.

"But Meg and I are fans?"

"Nah, you're our friends now- you're part of the crew." Skate speaks up.

"Awh cute you guys" I laugh.

"So could you-" kenny says nodding towards where Meg is fast asleep. I nod and poke my head into the gap in the bunk bed.

"Rise and shine" I say sweetly. Meg groans and rolls onto her side away from me. "If you don't get up right now you can't come out with me and the boys" I threaten. That gets her attention because immediately she slides out of bed and goes to her rucksack. She pulls out a mini airplane toothbrush and her hairbrush and starts frantically doing both at once. I laugh and copy her actions (a lot less dramatically of course). Once my teeth are clean and my hair is in a high ponytail with strands hanging out to make it more messy, I straighten out yesterday's outift and wait for Meg to be ready. She's currently doing her daily makeup routine- mascara, eyeliner, transparent conceler and bronzer- which I don't do so it makes me much faster.

"Wearing yesterday's outfit?" Wilkinson says appearing next to me. I assumed the boys were all watching tv or something.

"Meg gave our stuff to her 'friend' who has gone away for the weekend." I say unenthusiastically. This is the last time I trust Meg with my clothes.

"Why don't you wear this?" Sam says tossing me a shirt I've never seen him wear before. "A fan gave it to me earlier"

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure that if the fan saw me with you wearing this then she'd want to kill me" I laugh

"I would never let that happen beautiful" He winks before walking away from me.

(A/N: 100+ likes for an update(: )

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