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Once Meg and I are ready, we leave for the nearest six flags. The boys changed their minds last minute and went to six flags instead of Universal. Jack hasn't spoken to me since I saw him yesterday. I don't know what's wrong. Did I do something?

We pull up in the nearly empty parking lot- it doesn't open until 11 so why are we even here this early? I climb out of the car and walk round to meet Johnson who drove.

"Hey" I smile. He looks at me then down at my body and walks away. What? Sam soon appears next to me.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"I don't know what's wrong with him" I state, watching Jack walk further away from me.

"Well go find out" Sam says. I look up at him and he smirks back. "Or you could stay here with me?"

"As much as I'd love to" I start but then look back to Jack. He's now stopped and is looking at his feet, still with his back to me. "I love him more" I add before I start to run towards Jack.

I finally reach him, slightly out of breath (I'm not exactly the most athletic person ever) and place my hand on his shoulder whilst regaining as much oxygen as I can. He spins on his heels to face me.

"What do you want?" He says bitterly.

"I want you to tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing's wrong"


"Why do you even care? It's not like you actually like me"

"What the hell? Who told you that?" I laugh

"Stop laughing at me. I'm pathetic, I know. I actually fell for a girl who likes one of my best friends"

"Are you joking me? Who exactly do I like?" I say as the rest of the group stroll past us.

"Sam. You're wearing his shirt- thats like the univeral indicator that you're his girl."

"Not in England it isn't" I sigh "At least I don't think it is"

"You're so clueless, you don't even know what he's trying to do."


"I'm done talking" He says begining to walk away to join the others. Okay, so all of this because of a shirt? I mean I know relationships can be hard but I never imagined they'd be this hard. What can I do now? Jack hates me, Sam just wants to get in my pants and the rest of the boys barely notice my existance.

I'm one of those girls who has to wear a bralet over my actual bra under everything I wear. Luckily, today this works to my advantage. I pull Sam's shirt over my head so that I am left in yesterday's high waisted shorts and a black bralet. I run to catch up with the boys and instantly feel self concious as each one turns to look at me individually. I'm one of the least self confident people you'll probably ever meet- it's just that nobody knows I feel that way. You should probably know that I act extremely big headed because I'm actually covering up my insecurities.

I make my way up to Jack and throw Sam's shirt at him as hard as I can. He stumbles back in shock at my actions. I spin on my heels, my hair flicking him slightly behind me and push my way through the turnsile. Turns out that because of my new high status friends, the park has been opened especially early just for them. Meg appears next to me and bumps her hip with mine.

"Pretty ballsy if you ask me" She laughs "But I'm supposed to be mad at you"

"Not you as well! What have I done now?" I groan

"You didn't tell me that we were going to a theme park. Are you out of your mind?" She says trying not to laugh.

"Well if I told you then you wouldn't have come!"

"I would go anywhere if I was with you and Jack" She smiles

"Hashtag friendship goals" I laugh

"Literally. But for real, I don't think I can go on that" She says pointing up at a ride that is called 'Slingshot'- according to the sign. The ride seems to be exactly what the name says.

"Ever been on one of those before?" Sam says appearing out of nowhere.

"No and I don't plan to" Meg says sternly.

"Didn't have you down as a scaredy cat" Sam laughs.

"Leave her alone Sam" I spit. I'm slightly annoyed at him for making Jack mad at me. "I bet you wouldn't even go on that"

"Are you joking me? I don't have a death wish!" Sam says shocked "Neither would you"

"Oh yeah?" I say walking over to the ride entrance. "How much are you going to bet me?"

"How about I buy you all the white chocolate cookies you want and I'll drive you to your friend's to get your stuff?" He smirks

"How do you know about the cookies?" I laugh

"You have a a bag of them in your rucksack. Plus I owe you one because I ate one"

"You went in my bag?"

"They were sticking out of the top"

"Whatever Wilkinson. You're on" I say continuing into the entrance.

When it comes to theme parks, I'll go on any ride you pick. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I strap myself into the ride and wait for the park worker to check I'm secure. He leans over and jiggles on the straps, all of which seem to be in the right place. Thank God.

"You're one of the few girls who's been on this ride. If you make it out alive I'd love to get your number" He beams, showing his perfectly whitened teeth.

"Sorry, I'm taken"

"Oh really?" He says raising his eyebrow. "Who's the lucky guy? Don't tell me it's one of those dooshes over there"

"Yeah actually, the short blonde one" I smirk. At least I think we're still a thing.

"Well he's lucky because you're beautiful as well as ballsy. Good Luck" He smirks, lifting down the protective shield to create the full sphere. He gives a thumbs up before going into the booth and pressing a few buttons. I hear a countdown of beeps play within the bubble and before I know it, I'm being shot into the air at what feels like 1000 mph.


When I get off the ride I immediately hear cheers coming from the crowd consisting of my favourite people ever and the love of my life. (Don't tell him I called him that- he might get a bit freaked out). I smile to myself as the ride official gives me a look as if to say 'wow, you're not throwing up' and I make my way back to the group. They all stand slightly stunned that I actually went through with it. Public speaking and I freeze. Gravity defying rides and I jump at the chance. What is wrong with me?

"Hey" Johnson says quietly, standing next to me. I look at him and then look him up and down- just as he did with me and walk away. Give him a taste of his own medicine. I can't help but quietly laugh to myself. All of that because of a shirt? And now I've taken it off he's suddenly okay with me? Not if I can help it.

(A/N: 120 votes for an update(: )

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