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After a few minutes of arguing we finally decide on a rollercoster named 'Roaring Rapids'. It's like 1000 degrees in LA today so this is the ideal ride for me. I'm currently stood in the line next to Sam. Great. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and leans into my ear.

"Sorry I got you in trouble with Jack" He whispers.

"It's okay" I lie. I can't tell if I'm annoyed at Sam or Jack right now. "He thinks I fancy you"

"You're so cute and British" He laughs at my choice of words.

"Shut up Sam" I giggle "You totally aren't helping"

"He thinks you like me but you don't is that right?"

"I did just tell you that"

"You don't like me?" He says slightly shocked.

"Of course I like you! Just I'm pretty mad about Johnson" I smile

"And he's mad at you?"

"Yup" I shrug.

"Let's give him a reason to be mad then" He winks, kissing my cheek.

"Sam, I don't-"

"He's looking right now" He says not even turning around. "I'm gonna make a move to kiss you right now. Push me off." He says leaning in once again but this time he's aiming for my lips. I place my hands on his chest and push him gently. Sam shoots backwards as if I pushed him 5 times harder than I actually did.

"What the hell Sam?" I yell. I have to admit it- this is pretty fun.

"I'm sorry okay?" He says holding his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever. I knew right from the minute you met me all you wanted was to get in my pants. I don't put out that easily Wilkinson. Especially not to you" I say with a hint of anger. Who am I kidding? If I wasn't so madly in love with Johnson, I probably would go there with Sammy. Who wouldn't? Sam winks discretely before shrugging and walking away from me.

"Told you" I hear him say to someone behind me.

Seconds later we're shown into our seats on the ride. I'm sat next to Meg who's hand has not left Giinsky's since we got here- I guess she really is scared- and Johnson who is staring at me with those adorable puppy dog eyes that make my heart want to explode. Don't give in Megs. Don't do it.


When we get off the ride we are all totally drenched. Johnson tries to walk next to me but I make a beeline for Kenny. I walk over to him and smile immediately- he's so hot close up.

"Hey beautiful" He winks. Did Kenny Holland just call me beautiful? This is literally the best trip of my life!

"Hey Kenny" I beam, trying not to freak out.

"What's up?" He smiles back at me.

"I just wanted to come over and talk to you because I haven't yet" I smile

"Or are you just trying to get away from Jack?" He laughs.

"Why can I no longer have a conversation that isn't about Jack?" I groan. Don't get me wrong- I would love for every conversation I ever have to be about him but just not right now.

"Sorry" He pouts "Are you enjoying it here?"

"Totally! This is the biggest theme park I've ever been to" I squeal like an excited kid on Christmas.

"I still can't believe you went on slingshot! I don't know anyone who has been on that" Kenny smirks.

"Well now you do" I smile with a laugh.

"Can I take a picture with a slingshot survivor?" He laughs getting out his phone. I nod and he pulls his phone out his pocket. "Yo Jack, come take a picture of me and Megs" He calls over to Johnson. No one ever calls me Meg or Megs- Meg won't allow it. I watch as Johnson looks over happily but then come to the realisation that it's me that Kenny means and his face drops.

"Er sure" He shrugs and takes the phone. We stop and Kenny wraps his arms around my neck hugging me tightly. I wrap mine around his waist and smile for the camera. Jack takes the picture and turns to give the phone back.

"Oh wait, lets take one for meet and greet goals accounts" Kenny laughs.

"You look at those?" I laugh.

"Yeah I follow quite a few of them" He says seriously.

"Okay then" I smile and get back into a pose. Kenny holds his leg up for me to hold onto and I grab hold of his thigh. I do a peace sign with my left hand and hold it infront of my face. Jack takes the picture and hands the phone back. Kenny immediately goes onto his twitter account and attaches the second photo to the tweet. I watch as he types 'total babe' and presses tweet.

"Now let the madness begin" He smirks still looking at his phone.

"Megan can I talk to you for a minute?" Jack's sweet voice says pulling my focus away from Kenny. I look at him innocently.

"If you have to" I shrug. He holds out his hand for me to take it. I grasp his hand and follow him to a nearby bench. We sit down and he looks at me, expectant for me to talk first. "So what?" I sigh.

"What?" He says genuinely confused.

"You wanna talk so talk" I shrug. He opens his mouth to talk and then closes it again. He thinks for a while and then nods to himself.

"Do you like Sam?" He blurts "I didn't mean to say that- it's been bugging me all day and it slipped out."

"No I don't" I say looking over at the boy in question. I've just noticed that he's got the t-shirt I was wearing hanging out his back pocket.

"You don't?"

"Did you not see me push him off? Have you ever seen me do anything more than talk?"

"I don't know" He shrugs.

"Who is the only person I've ever kissed huh?"

"Me" He says quietly.

"Who?" I ask again.

"Me" He repeats louder.

"Exactly, so why the hell would I go and kiss Sam? I've waited over a year to finally meet you. I flew half way across the world to meet YOU" I say sternly "So why the hell would I jepordize whatever we have right now for Sam Wilkinson?"

"I don't know okay?"

"You obviously had some idea to accuse me of that so come on tell me"

"It's just- he's Sam. The good looking one, the one who gets all the girls and the one who everybody likes straight away. I'm me. The one who's never good enough, the who watches on the sideline as girls get weak at the knees for the others and the one who nobody wants" He shrugs.

"You see these?" I say pointing at my knees.

"Your knees?"

"They're pretty weak right now" I laugh. I lean in closer and whisper in his ear. "I want you"

"Talk dirty to me" Jack laughs.

"You're gross" I giggle. "But for real, I really really like you Jack Edward Johnson so don't you dare accuse me of cheating on you" I laugh again.

"I promise I wont" He says smileing. "Am I allowed to kiss you now?"

"What did I say about asking me that?"

"Sorry" He says leaning in anyway. He kisses me softly on the lips and I feel him smile against me. This is perfect.

"O. T. FREAKING. P" I hear Meg shout. She's currently holding Gilinsky's phone taking pictures of us.

"Can you not?" I smirk.

"I'm so happy for you Megan! Is this even real life?" She fangirls, jumping up and down. I stand up and join in with her. Jack and Jack burst into laughter and Meg and I immediately stop.

"Problem?" I smile.

"Nope" Johnson smirks.

"Actually, I think there might be" Gilinsky says lifting his phone.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now