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Turns out there were 18 people in front of us- including Sarah, Lia and Nia. So we just about made it into the front row.

"We're going to see Jack and Jack in like 10 minutes!" Meg shouts over the music that is playing inside the building. I throw my bag over the metal fencing as more and more people squash up behind me, pushing me against the gate. I feel Meg reach for my hand.

"It's okay!" I shout over the noise of chatter and music.


An hour into the show and can I just say that Jack is so much hotter in person it's unreal.

Jack and Jack have already performed Indoor Recess, Distance, Flights and Paradise. They've done some sketch type things too and Kenny has also performed. Right now Sam is performing 'Could You Be The One?' Lets just say Sarah is getting major Sammy feels.

"He's so hot oh my god" She says slightly out of breath. "I think I'm gonna faint!" She says gripping the fence tightly.

"If you faint then they'll take you out and you wont get back" Nia says sternly.

"True" Lia adds.

After Sammy is finished and Sarah has calmed down, Jack and Jack come back on. They start to perform Wildlife when Jack Johnson looks directly at me, smiles and then looks at Jack Gilinsky. JJ nods towards Gilinsky then to us and Jack then smiles too. Jack nods to the wings of the stage and the music cuts off.

"Jack and I have decided to bring two special fans onto the stage for us to sing to" Jack Gilinsky explains as Sammy and Kenny bring two chairs out.

Jack jumps off the stage and lands straight in front of me. "Hey beautiful"

"Hi" I say back, strangely finding confidence in myself.

"So I was wondering, do you wanna come on stage?"

"Sure" I say whilst silently screaming to myself.

"Is this your friend?" He asks pointing to Meg

"Yeah" I say awkwardly

"Jack come help me!" Johnson calls. Jack jumps down and lifts Meg over the barrier whilst JJ lifts me over and helps me on stage. Meg and I sit on the stools as the music for Cold Hearted starts.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now