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(A/N: don't freak out but this is the last chapter 😩 but it's my birthday so we can celebrate that instead?)

Jack and I decide to walk to the beach seeing as tonight's venue isn't too far away at all. I breathe in the fresh air and can't help but smile to myself. I'm in my favourite country with my favourite person; what more could I possibly ask for? We take a final left turn until I can see the golden sand glistening in the sun. I take a hold of Jack's hand as we stroll towards the beach. I see a group of 4 or 5 teenage girls walking towards us. Should I let go of his hand? Will it harm his credibility if I do?

"Don't you dare let go of my hand" He says smiling and waving at the crowd of fangirls. "Hey girls" He says as we come face to face with them.

"Oh my god Jack! And Megan! We love you guys so much" A brunette about 15 years old beams. "Could I get a picture?"

"Sure" Jack beams as she stands between us.

"I'll take the picture" I tell her.

"No, I want you in it!" She laughs.

"You do?" I laugh in response. "Well that's a different reaction" I add smiling for the camera that her friend holds up in front of the three of us.

"So what's your name beautiful?" Jack beams at her.

"Karly" She smiles.

"Beautiful name, beautiful girl" Jack smiles at her, reminding me of the first time I met him.

"Are you coming to the show tonight?" She asks me.

"Uh I hope so" I smirk looking at Jack.

"Are you going to be at the M&G?" Another girl asks.

"I'm not sure" I laugh. "I might be" I shrug. I'm not used to this at all. Most people tell me to 'get lost' in less kind words. These girls are asking me to come.

"You know, I'm a major Johnson girl and I never ship anyone with him but there's something about you that makes me totally fine with him dating you"

"Maybe it's the British accent" I joke.

"I think it's the fact that he hasn't stopped smiling since he met you" Karly interjects. "We've all seen the snapchat stories of you and him together." I look to Jack who (surprise, surprise) is beaming from ear to ear whilst watching me interact with his fans.

"Can you follow me on twitter?" Another girl asks.

"Sure..." I say urging her to tell me her name.

"Hannah" She finishes.

"Yeah I can do that Hannah. What's your user?"

"CeramicsDallas. All in capitals." She beams. "I promise I'm still in the Jack and Jack lane its just that I haven't been very welcome in the fandom recently"

"Well you're always welcome in my lane" I joke. By the look on her face something tells me she thinks I'm being serious. "I'm kidding"

"Oh" She says with a sigh of relief. She brushes a hand through her brown shortish hair and pulls out her phone as I press the follow button on her account.

"Do you want a group picture with Jack?" I offer.

"I'd take her up on the offer. She's a pretty great photographer. I should know judging by the amount of selfies she's taken on my phone." Jack laughs.

"Sure!" Karly speaks up. I take each of the girl's phones and open the camera. I take a series of pictures on each phone. Once I give the all clear nod they each run forward and take their gadgets from me. "So when are you leaving?"

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now