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Megan's POV

Why did I do that? Why did I push away the two people that I love most? Why am I such an idiot?

I pick up my phone and audio facetime the one person I can go to right now.

"Megan" I hear them say on the end of the line.

"I don't know what to do Meg"

"Come back" She begs. "Please"

"Why? Sam's made it clear that he doesn't want me there. I've made Cody mad. Broken Jack's heart." Little does she know that I don't mean Johnson.

"You didn't break his heart. He did that to you. You did nothing wrong." She assures me.

"I still don't know Meg"

"Well let me make it clear for you. Johnson needs you. Gilinsky needs you. I need you." I know the Jacks need me- they've made that clear enough.

"Why do you need me? What's wrong?"

"I did something really bad"

"What?" I ask.

"I kissed Sam. Before all this happened. He was rambling on about something you said and I don't know what came over me. I just kissed him to get him to shut up."

"Did you tell G?"

"Not yet. I can't."

"Tell you what. I'll hang up now and you go talk to him. Call me back later?"

"Where are you Megan?" She asks innocently.

"I'm at some motel a few miles away from you. The one from that Paul Walker film we watched that time." I never could keep a secret from her.

"Okay. I'll talk to you soon." She says. "I love you" She adds. "We all do." She finishes before hanging up.


Johnson's POV

"She's at a motel a few miles away" Meg announces, walking back into the room after taking a phone call a few minutes ago. I instantly stand up along with Gilinsky who does the exact same thing.

"Where?" Gilinsky says before I can. There's something odd going on here. He seems to care about her more than any of us. Not that that's possible.

"She said its the one in a Paul Walker film we watched once."

"He's in a lot of movies Meg" I tell her. I whip my phone out and do a quick google search of 'Paul Walker movie involving a motel' and sure enough a name and address pops up. "Got it" I say picking up the keys from the table in front of me.

"Can I come?" G asks. Why would he want to come? Does he like her or something? I just hope she doesn't feel the same way.

"Actually, I really need to talk to you" Meg interjects before I can open my mouth. He looks at her, tilts his head to the side slightly and then nods, following her. I shake my head clear of any Gilinsky/Meg/Megan drama and race out to the car.


I pull up outside the run down motel. The sign says 'Vacancies' but this place can't be safe enough to be open can it? I climb out the car into the empty parking lot. I follow the ancient signs and stroll to the front desk where a little old man sits half asleep behind it.

"Excuse me?" I say quietly as not to give him a heart attack. He's so elderly that the slightest of shocks could probably be enough to kill him.

"Harold" A slightly younger (but still elderly) lady shouts at the frail old man. "We have a guest" The man suddenly shoots up in his seat and is more alert than I'd ever expect.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now