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On the way to the door, we are stopped by Sam.

"Well where are you two going?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"I'm showing Megan around. We're gonna get some dinner too" Jack explains.

"Well don't go stealing my girl all for yourself" Sam smirks at me

"Wouldn't dream of it" Jack laughs "Daddy" He says sarcastically.

"Daddy? You guys actually go along with that?" I say trying not to laugh.

"I've got a daddy kink. I can't help it, I go with it" Sam replies.

"Sorry daddy but I've gotta go" I say rolling my eyes. Jack steps out of the bus first, followed by a lot of screaming.

"JACK! WE LOVE YOU" They say.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" He shouts over them. He turns back to me and gestures for me to come to him. I can't. I shake my head and then run back into the bus.


I sit in the seating area at the back of the bus. A few seconds later Meg appears by my side. She gives me a side hug.

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"Jack asked me on a date"

"WHAT!" She says excitedly "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

"Yeah" I say unethusiastically.

"So what's wrong?"

"I don't think I can deal with all the fans. You saw the hate that Maggie and Madison got when they dated one of the boys"

"Yeah but you're cooler than them. You're more real"

"They'll see it as I'm a fame digger"

"Like a gold digger?" She asks. I nod in response. "Well you aren't"

"They don't know that"

"What happened to the Megan who didn't actually care what anyone thought of her despite how shy she is?"

"She got shoved into the limelight"

"No one even knows who you are"

"They'll find out"

"Well, you could go on your twitter and delete all of your selfies. Then no one will know who you are"

"That will take too long"

"At least you're a fan account for JJ and you'd be with him" She shrugs "You're my best friend, I know you can do this. Just go out there and don't cry" She says sternly. Whenever Meg says 'don't cry' to me, it actually works. FYI, I cry a lot. I may be 17 but I'm only human.

"You know what? I'm gonna do it" I say standing up.

"Yes!" She cheers. I walk out of the room to the front of the bus.


Jack turns again and sees me standing there. He give me puppy dog eyes and I walk over to him. How could I ignore that cute little face? The same cute little face that I was kissing like 10 minutes ago. But no one needs to know that.

The screaming stops immediately as I come into view. The smiles are instantly replaced by glares and sour looks. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea.

"Who's she?" One girl asks

"This is a new friend of mine" Jack smiles

"Oh cool" The same girl smiles fakely. She looks at me up and down. "Isn't that Jack's shirt?" She says pointing to the shirt.

Finally. ~ j.jWhere stories live. Discover now