The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

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Lunch time seemed to flew by so quickly because Drexa and Jonathan was having a great time talking to each other.

"Everly, tell me all about yourself" said Cedric when he realized his friend was talking animatedly with Drexa.

Cedric went on under the table and emerged beside Everly, taking the seat. If he wanted to have a conversation, he would do it closely than talking from another side of the table.

She laughed heartily seeing how he managed to fit his tall body under the table with ease.

Everly cleared her throat.

"I'm a Muggle born as you already know and-"


"Ergh, you just started!" He whined and pouted.

Everly blinked. The way he really wanted to know about her made something tugged her heartstrings.

"How about we talk over dinner?" Everly suggested.

Cedric thought about it for a while before smiling.

"That'll be great!"

His smile was so contagious that Everly can't control herself from smiling either. She was wrapping up but Cedric was standing still beside her so she asked.

"What's wrong? Don't you have any class?"

Cedric looked like he was contemplating about something and it made her curious.

"Cedric? Are you okay?" She asked softly.

When he stepped in front of her, Everly cautiously took a step back.

"Can I.. Do this?" He stuttered and it made him looked so cute in her eyes.

"Do what exactly?" She asked slowly.

When he remained silent, Cedric just let his action took the best of him and gently take Everly's small hand into his, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

Her heart was swelling at the moment and she felt like no one was around in the Great Hall.

"I've been wanting to do this for my soulmate but I don't know why it's you. I don't even know you for that long"

"I.. Don't know what to say"

Honestly, she wanted to run back into her dormitory and scream out all of it on her pillows. This was too much for her heart to take. Gracefully and slowly, she retrieved her hand back and smiled to him.

"Tonight it is then" he winked.

"Ookay gotta go, bye!"

Everly couldn't take it any longer and sprinted out of the hall to her next class.

"Oy where you going!?"

Drexa was dumbfounded after Everly left her in such speed but when she turned her head, now it was her turn to come up with a mischievous smile.

'Ooh, spicy now'

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Jonathan asked as he slinging his bag on his shoulder.

"None I guess, why? Want to take me on date?"

Now the both of them walk together out of the hall, hands would sometimes touched occasionally. Jonathan laughed.

"You're one of a kind now Riddle"

"Mind to share what kind am I you're talking about?"

Jonathan stroke his chin in a playful way as he look up.

"One word I can share; special"

Drexa rolled her eyes.

"Only Everly can call me special. You're not above her yet so" Drexa said with a smirk. They were passing by a group of Slytherin who were talking loudly with each other.

"Damn, who hurt you? 'Cause it hurts me so much"

Playfully, Drexa shoved his shoulder lightly and smiled. But she didn't realize in front of Jonathan was a small bump that could trip anyone off.


As fast as lightning, Drexa swerved his body in her direction and end up chest to chest.

"Having any sparks now? Haha!"

"I would love to see his face rolled on the floor"

Drexa looked around who said that but her ears had caught a very familiar voice and she couldn't deny it she started to hate that guy on their first day of met-and-fight.

When she saw him, she only gave him a look of pure disgust and checked on Jonathan.

"Are you alright? Malfoy is one spoiled kid I tell you"

He chuckled.

"Oh you don't need to tell me twice"

When their eyes met, Drexa could feel something glimmering in his eyes and her heart began thumping loudly and she was pretty sure he could hear it too.

"That's just gross. Oy, find a room will you!?"

Draco Malfoy was feeling sick to his stomach seeing Drexa and Jonathan having a lovey dovey moment in front of them and he wasn't ready to see them kissing. Gross.

"You're being green now" said Drexa purposely and dragged Jonathan with her.

"A what?"

Crabbe and Goyle didn't understand what she meant by being green but only few of them caught the meaning.

Blaise Zabini fold his arms and smirked to Draco.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of her"

"Mock away, Zabini" Draco retorted. There was no way he was jealous about it. But the strange stabbing in his heart tell otherwise.

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