Back to School

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School break was over; and there were so many faces that expressed it all; relieved; annoyed; or even hated being there. One of the few were Everly and Drexa, it seemed to them the break was too short and lots of their plans with aunt Mia went unplanned. Drexa was sitting at the back seat of the car with her lips pursed as they were on their way to the train station.

Their morning started with a letter with the bright red initial R sealing wax on it. It took Drexa only a first glance to realize it was from home. Her home. She took the letter and went to her room.

Dear young master Drexa, it is Sere, for here Sere write to acquaint young master with the displeasing circumstances that have been happening here since the day Hogwarts school break started. To Apparate outside of our world is beyond Sere's limit, just to see young master safe, for Sere is still an apprentice under Master Riddle's care. Young master does not need to be concerned, Sere will do the best to try to help as long as Sere is alive. A word of caution, young master need not to come home, until Sere gives another letter.

She was trembling in her core whether or not her father had sensed the newfound power she had used before, and now her house elf was sending a letter that sounded like something bad was going to happen to the wizarding world. Moreover, she was terrified something might happen to her beloved elf who has been with her after Viridian passed.

Everly who was talking animatedly with aunt Mia about their upcoming plan was feeling strange within her body when she glanced at her friend back there through the rear view mirror. She figured it must be something to do with the letter she received early in the morning. As calm as she was, she could not admit that she really wanted to know what happened, but seeing Drexa being all quiet, she decided against her will to know further.

"Alright dears, let's go."

Eventually they arrived at the train station. The station was flooded with Hogwarts students going back to school, each expressing the same faces; joy and longing. Drexa was hoping the car ride would be stopping in the middle of the road and getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. Though she did try it, it wasn't doing anything this time for some reason.

The three of them walked past the wall between the platform 9 ¾ and made sure no one was watching them. Everly offered to help Drexa bring her trunk all the way to the train, and the lassie just shrugged. Usually, Drexa would pick a fight when Everly wanted to help but this time she merely shrugged and let Everly do it.

The train's engine was starting and steam started to arise.

"Now then, kisses," Mia pulled them in and kissed their cheeks before embracing them in a tight hug. Every hug and kisses given to her was enough to melt her worries away. Drexa returned the hug as she closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Aunt Mia's embrace reminded her of her mother's hugs.

After the Dark Lord finished beating her up, he left her in the room, as she sobbing quietly on the floor. The aches and pains cruising all over her body, like a knife slashing her skin every now and then. It was before Viridian passed. Viridian entered the room with tearful eyes, she went over to her daughter and a small gasp escaped her lips.

"Oh my goodness," she muttered, trying to lift Drexa from the floor and lay her on the bed. Not a scrap of her skin managed to escape the red and blue bruises that were beginning to surface. As Drexa's sobs slowly changed to slow hiccups, Viridian gently ran her hand up and down on Drexa's back, afraid that one touch could send that spark of pain.

"Shh shh, I'm here, sweetheart," she cooed, and managed to make the bruises disappear from her daughter's body. Drexa fell asleep in Viridian's arms that night, dreaming of a place where she could never experience the abuse from her father again.

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