New Family Member

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The Hogwarts Express finally came to a stop. The students went to their families with such excitement and went home after unloading their trunks.

Jonathan already had his mother waiting for him and he waved his best girl friends a good-bye. Everly and Drexa waved back, earning them a smile from his mother. From afar, the girls blinked and glued to their spot as they saw how Jonathan being hugged tightly by his mother and he obviously tried to gasp for air.

The sight of it made the girls giggle and walked along the path, pulling their trunks behind them.

"Did you write to your father, yet?" Everly asked. Her eyes wandering around, trying to search for Aunt Mia.

Drexa hummed in response but Everly knew she was lying. Fortunately, she understand her well enough to know Drexa was both ignorant and afraid of him. She stopped in her track when she found a bench and then dragged Drexa to sit with her.

"At least inform him of your whereabouts. I know he didn't do much of a father, but you're still his daughter so just tell him. Even if you did write, we both know he isn't going to write back, right?" Drexa nodded slowly with her eyes on the ground. 

She was afraid to tell him that she was going to stay with Everly for the whole summer but part of her was being ignorant because she knew her father wouldn't say anything about it and let her be, but when Everly said it like he must know, she was reluctant to do so. As much as she wanted to hate the very idea, she couldn't agree more about it and took out her small notebook from the side of her trunk and tore a single page from it. Everly gave her a pen.

"When did you get this pen?" Drexa chuckled as she saw the pen that she surely know it was from the Muggle world. Everly shrugged with a smile.

"I brought it from home. It's for emergency use, so," Everly winked and playfully pinched the younger's cheek. Drexa groaned and quickly write it down.

Dear father, how are you? I hope you're in a good shape as I am. Father, I will be spending my break with Everly for the whole summer. I promise I will write to you every week. 

Love, Drexa

Drexa folded it neatly and put it in her pocket. Everly smiled fondly, patting the lassie's head and continued to search for Aunt Mia. It didn't take much time when they saw Aunt Mia walking towards them and gave them a bone-crushing hug.

"You little daisies didn't write to me about your new school! God knows how bored I am in that house waiting for a single letter but no!"

Mia was blabbering but didn't forget to leave them kisses on their heads as she said those. While Everly felt a little annoyed, Drexa felt warm all over her body. It made her felt like she was part of the little family that she had longed for after Viridian died. Her eyes beginning to get teary but she fought back before they noticed. Everly was quick enough to saw it and rubbed Drexa's back in a comforting manner. 'She must really miss the feelings though.'

After packing their trunks into Aunt Mia's car, they drove away and decided to buy some groceries because Aunt Mia wanted to make them something special for the occasion. While searching for a fresh veggies, Drexa looked up from the wooden basket and saw someone familiar. She nudged Everly with her elbows slowly.

"Eve, check that out."

"Yes, my dear?"

Drexa quickly turned around when she heard that voice was not Everly at all. Her face was red as she realized she just nudged an old lady beside her instead of her bestie. Drexa quickly wore a shy smile when she was sure of herself her smile looked weird.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were my friend," she quickly blurt those words  before skipping away to find then two. Then, Everly came out from one of the shops and held two paper bags that filled with Aunt Mia's groceries. Drexa quickly went up to her and helped Everly with the bag because it seemed heavy.

"Oh thank you. What are you running for?" Everly asked as she tried to balance her weight and the groceries.

"I just met that old lady whom I thought it was you." Drexa admitted embarrassedly. Everly laughed when the girl had that frowning look on the face. The lassie then remembered something and pulled Everly to where she saw someone familiar earlier.

"Slow down Drexa, you might spill all of the things," Everly huffed as the girl continued to pulled her. Drexa pouted when that someone had gone. She was sure it was Jonathan. 'Wait, he lives here?'

Drexa wondered a bit before being dragged by Everly because Mia had done her little shopping. They finally arrived home. After helping Mia delivering the groceries to the kitchen, Mia ushered them to go unpack.

"But why? We wanna help!" Drexa whined as Mia practically had to push the girls away from the kitchen. "Yeah Aunt Mia, let us help please!"

"No and no. As your punishment for not informing your days at Hogwarts, you girls unpack your things and clean your bedrooms. Oh, Drexa honey, you will be having your own bedroom just next to Everly if you want," Aunt Mia said kindly. Drexa was terrific when she knew she would be going to have her own bedroom. "Thank you, Aunt Mia. I'm sorry if I'm being a burden to you in these upcoming weeks," Drexa said, suddenly feeling a little heavy in the heart. Aunt Mia gasped dramatically and pulled Drexa so she can face the girl.

"Drexa, never say that you are a burden. You never did. You are always welcomed here. I'm more than happy if you want to live with us because I won't be mind to have female company. Everly doesn't count. No offense, dear," she smiled annoyingly to Everly who was standing in her bedroom doorway. "Why does everyone say that right after they offensed them?" She asked begrudgingly.

"You will never be a burden to us," Aunt Mia said, completely ignoring Everly and then pulled Drexa for a hug, resting her cheek against the girl's temple. "I already thought of you and Everly as my own daughters."

Drexa was so touched by her words and shamelessly hugged Aunt Mia because she could not contained her feelings anymore. She felt like they were going to explode and the only way to let it out was by crying.

Everly was on the edge of crying too when she saw how vulnerable Drexa was right now. Her heart clenched, thinking Drexa growing up without a mother and only has a father that was an abuser...and a killer as well.

"Hey hey, don't forget me," Everly walked up to them and joined the hug. It was warm and joyful feeling to have a family hugging each other such as this. For Drexa, it was the happiest moment in her life she could ever remember.

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