Gossiping Overheard

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All the while Drexa and Jonathan were tutoring, there was one particular person who didn't like to see them being intimate at times. Only one in particular who felt that way. The twins slowly took a liking in Drexa because she obviously didn't care what the others were thinking whenever she said something that could have hurt someone's feelings.

"Big mouth with small brains aren't you?"

She said those words nonchalantly as her eyes scanned the quiz that she had given them. Fred Weasley looked at her surprised but then a smile came creeping on his lips. "I like her" he whispered to his twin. George Weasley smirked in return. "So do I".

Drexa had expected she and Draco would fight over something small or a war-talk but it never happened.

This was the first time she saw him being this quiet and...obedient.

He never said a word since they started and it made Drexa felt at peace. Mainly it was because Jonathan had gave her the chocolate. Maybe.

He only speak when being spoken to.


When she read his answers, he got it all the answers correct and not a single mistake detected. She was deeply impressed because it was like he got the answers directly from the textbook.

"Woah, whose is it?" Jonathan piped in after he checked the other quiz.

He leaned his head a little bit closer that was almost in contact with her cheeks and carefully examined the quiz.

"Seriously?" he gasped.

Drexa nodded happily but she tried to contain it. She didn't want Draco to see her reactions yet.

"Yeah I know..." she trailed off and saw Draco pulled something so slow under the table. As quick as a flash, Drexa abruptly stood and made her way to Draco and pulled his hand so she could see what it was. Her expectations were right this time.

"So you did cheat huh" she said.

"That's not mine, Riddle" he spat.

Drexa glared him and gritted her teeth.

"Shall we see then?"

She opened the textbook and flipped the first page to see if it really was his book.

No name were written there, but Drexa could feel it in her gut and smiled to him.

"Alright then, sorry for the sudden accuse Mr Malfoy, but you wouldn't mind if I take this away for a while now, would you?" she said and smiled sweetly to him.

Draco was suddenly feeling something so strange in his stomach as she smiled to him that way.


"Everyone give me all your books and notes right now" she cut him off. She only smiled sweetly to him and sat beside Jonathan. The group began taking out their books and notes before giving it to Jonathan who was checking their bag. From where he sat, Jonathan knew what was her idea and helped her. Drexa felt glad that she didn't have to tell him. The Slytherins started to glare the both of them including Draco.

Afterwards, Drexa put the books and notes neatly beside her seat and began giving them new set of quiz.

"I'll give you 20 minutes. Start now. No cheating" she said and looked at Draco while emphasizing on 'cheating'.


"How dare she made a deal with me! I'll tell my father about this"

Draco Malfoy and his fellow classmates were already on their way back to their dorm. He couldn't handle the way Drexa was smiling all the time to him but sinister at the same time.

'Two hours with you, Malfoy. Starts tomorrow'

He huffed and puffed in annoyance all the way into his room. Tomorrow facing her again was like a nightmare.

"She's so nice isn't she?"

Before he could step into his dorm, he heard a conversation that was happening in the Common Room. He took a peak on the marble staircase and listened to them attentively.

"Yeah. Never thought she'd be like that with us. Always thought she's the bad bitch though" replied Elsie Carrigan. They were settling in front of the fireplace for a moment before going to sleep.

"(Gasps) she's a bad bitch for a reason! But she's nice, really" said one of them, Clarissa Jogenfarm who was clearly defending Drexa Riddle although she knew half of her House mates were deadly serious on hating her. She didn't get it why they hated her that much. Probably the main reason was she's befriending with a Muggle like- oh yeah, she forgotten that she was in Slytherin so she pretty much understood the reason.

"Who in their right minds wanting to be friends with someone who is a Muggle-born?"


"Smart ass. She thinks she's dominating our House. What a prick"

"Okay I'm going in"

Clarissa Jogenfarm couldn't hear it anymore and head to her dormitory with Elsie.

"She thinks she's the boss now. I have a plan..." Falcon Ridgehead started and shared with his friends.

'So they planning something. What the- what am I thinking! You're supposed to hate her idiot!'

He mentally screamed and went off to bed. He was feeling restless and couldn't get any sleep as he tossed and turned in his bed, unable to find the perfect position.

As hard as he wanted to admit it, he was feeling anxious when he thought about what was Falcon Ridgehead talking about. Was he gonna do something to her? As far as he knew, his House mates never went that far on doing something to the person they hated the most.

'Curse you Riddle, what have you done to me?'


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