Story Time

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As promised, Everly shared about her life with Cedric and Jonathan who was listening to every word she blurt out contently.

Everly Daniels was a Muggle born only to find out she was a witch after she got her letter from Beauxbaton. Her life, where someone could say it, was the life they wanted for themselves. Everly Daniels was a decent and smart girl, loved by all her friends and teachers in school.

She was the star, she was their hope.

Always had been nominated to be the class president, but she had declined the offer politely with her own reasons and picked someone else. She wasn't ready to carry out the duty.

Everly Daniels, easily to say, was the popular girl, but she didn't want that kind of attention. She had hated it since she aced all of her exams and it was exhausting to have eyes on her everywhere she goes. It was not the kind of attention she had wanted.

She simply wanted peace and be a simple girl. But her brain says otherwise. Some of the times, she had thought about getting back to when she aced her exams and purposely made some of it a wrong answer.

Her parents had made the future for her; to be a doctor. They set her journey to Oxford University after she finishes her high school but their dream had crushed when they received a strange, handwritten letter to their home one day. They absolutely thought they had got the wrong letter but with their daughter's name on top of it, strangely specific to them had proved them wrong.

Their daughter was an ordinary girl. It made no sense to them they had given birth to a witch than a normal human being. The look of disgust and pure disbelief was beginning to get thrown on her once she got home from school. Everly was very confused when she came in her home that day to find the strict face that was plastered on her parent's face.

Even after she stepped inside, she could sense a different vibe that was surrounding them and felt afraid just to smile a bit. Her eyes caught a small letter in her father's hand and asked for it. The first question she had gotten from her father, was,

"Are you our daughter, Eve?"

Of course Everly nodded.

"Tell me this is some kind of a sick joke your friends playing on you" said her mother. She smiled but her eyes were contrasting with the smile she wore.

Everly was flabbergasted but her father gave the letter to her and made her read it.

"Dear Miss Daniels, I'm pleased to inform you on your acceptance to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic;

"Where magic meets magnificence" 

At Beauxbatons Academy, people of an unimaginable nature attend to learn more about their gifts. As well as improving our magic, we learn etiquette, poise and more. Look to the back to find enclosed a list of supplies and equipment needed.

Au revoir, Madam Rochelle."

As soon as she finished reading it, her mother suddenly laughed and clutched on her husband for support. "I told you it was a joke" she said and both of her parents back to being normal again. Everly was stunned by her mother's sudden outburst but decided to brush it away. It was impossible for her to be a witch. It's just impossible.

Days passed by normally like her parents had hoped, they kept receiving the same letter but this time about the school's protocol and rules and history that was getting under their skin.

(fyi, i didn't know much about the school so dont judge me please)

When Everly was a little girl, she did some strange things in front of her parents that freaked them out but as she grew up, the things she did slowly grew out and eventually became the girl they had hoped for; obedient, decent, smart and polite girl.

One day, they went for a trip but what Everly didn't of was her parents were actually sending her away to live with her aunt, her mother's little sister.

They determined to do it; they didn't want their child, their only child to be a witch. They couldn't accept the fact that she was a witch and they didn't themselves to be called as freaks for giving birth to a daughter like her.

Everly was heartbroken when she found out the truth. As soon as they arrived, they placed all of her bags in her Aunt Mia's home and went straight away leaving her. Apparently, her mother had called her sister to take care of her and Mia was more than happy to be her guardian.

Mia lived all by herself since she got kicked out by her own home because her sister, Mirana, Everly's mother, had used her for her own good. Since then, her family had forgotten about her and when she got a call from Mirana, she was more than happy but it only lingers for a while. Mirana told her everything about her daughter and her 'abnormal' behaviour. Mia agreed but on one condition; they can never take her back once she agreed to be her guardian from now and then. Mirana didn't hesitate to say yes.

After helping Everly to adjust to her new home, Mia told her all the things she should know and a little about herself. Everly kept quiet when Aunt Mia told her everything. So they ditched her because she was a witch? Here she thought their love was unconditional. How pathetic.

But her aunt was happy to hear the news. To be honest, Everly felt a little better because Mia was jumping up and down, squealing that she had a very special niece. It was nice to know a family member getting excited about us being a witch rather than getting ditched.

So it began when the two tried to find someone who knows about the magical world. Lucky for them, they saw a few people who headed to King's Cross Station in a weird manner and decided to follow them.

"So here I am" Everly finished her story. She fiddled with her fingers when the two were unresponsive. Drexa was smiling the whole time. She was proud to see her best friend who were ditched by her family had ended up as the best student in Beauxbatons aside from her.

"That was so cool" said Jonathan who had his chin propped with his hand.

"And sad. How could they? You're their daughter. I want to say it again, their only daughter" said Cedric this time. He was devastated with how her parents treated her with conditional love.

"I know. Well enough about me! Drexa your turn"

Everly quickly changed the topic because the lump in her throat was trying to make its way out.

Drexa pointed to herself. "Me? Since when I'm in this stuff?"

Now the boys turned their heads in her direction.

She immediately shake her hands.

"Nuh uh, I didn't sign up any of this" she said and took a bite of her sausage. Her eyes accidentally make contact with Draco and lingered. Draco didn't even look away and continue to stare at her. It made her flushed and break the gaze away.

When she looked at Everly, her gaze softened and it felt unfair of her to not share her life. When the two boys just staring at her, she groaned inwardly because she couldn't handle to see Jonathan.

"Okay! Okay! Stop staring at me. I'll tell you"

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