Story Time (2)

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Drexa Riddle.

The first name wasn't that scary until the surname came. It was very unusual for a girl to carry the surname around.

But Drexa had it.

She hated it so much.

When her mother gave birth to her, the Dark Lord didn't even spare his daughter a glance and just walk away. Her mother did her good like any mother would do. Viridian Deer Riddle loved her daughter and took care of her even though her husband didn't take any notice of his daughter upbringing.

There was a few times Drexa had wanted to search for her father but Viridian had always forbid her to do so. Drexa didn't understand what she meant. She wanted her father and so one day, when she searched for him, he was having a meeting with the Death Eaters by the time she walked in the room.

Drexa was happy to see him but all she get was a slap from him and fell to the floor. "Fetch her Viridian! I've no time for her" said the Dark Lord and came in her mother who was obviously searching for Drexa. Since then, Drexa was afraid of her father and only obeys to her mother.

There was a time when her home had a visit from the Malfoys. With them, a small Draco was often seeing with them and had attached to his mother than his father. Drexa had observed this when they came and it looked like they had the same problem. But her case was worse; for her father was a merciless wizard even to a child.

Few years went by, Drexa had got the letter from Beauxbatons. It was supposed to be a great day and should be celebrated but things took turns way too fast.

Viridian died of Scrofungulus on the day her daughter received her letter. Days before, she was already ailed worst enough and Drexa was crying hard because she didn't know what was she suppose to do. Her father even forbade her to go out to explore the world and when Viridian was sick, he didn't even came to see her for the last time.

All Viridian said to her,

"I may not live long enough to see my daughter growing up, but I will always be here to take care of you, even if you can't see me" while pointing to Drexa's heart.

"My love, obey your father, for he is why you are here. You made me happy, Rei. Explore the world, be kind, have courage"

When she passed, her only help now was her house Elf, Sere, to help her with her school things and stuff. She did what Viridian told her. She tried to minimize her mistakes because she couldn't take her father's abusive actions anymore.

She tried to make him proud, by acing her exams. She tried everything to make him proud. But doing well in school wasn't enough.

So Drexa completely changed into a rude girl. She became a bully in Beauxbatons to release all of her anxiety and her anger to all of the students. But she thought it was a good way for her. In fact, the school's headmaster, Olympe Maxime, had sent a letter to her father regarding her bully actions that was happening after a few weeks she came.

When she came home for school break, the Dark Lord waste no time to pull her into her room and abuse her way worst  than she remember. It was more immeasurable and excruciatingly painful for her to take. Her tears were streaming freely down her cheeks. She didn't expect her father would take actions for her doings in school because her father was a person who really didn't care about his daughter. What made him change his mind?

For a second, Drexa was happy, for she was able to feel her father's love for the first time. The thought of him paying attention to her while in school was giving her butterflies. So all this time he was observing her from afar?

Drexa almost smiled when the Dark Lord had put away his wand.

"You embarassed me. You embarassed my name. I should not give you my name in yours. I am ashamed to have a daughter like you in my family."

He left the room and shut the door behind him. Drexa was laying on the floor, tears that were already dried had flowed again. Shutting her eyes, she thought she had his attention. How pity of her to think like that. Of course, he was the Dark Lord. No one can mortified him.

'Have courage'

Viridian's words ringing in the back of her mind. A little hope glimmered again when she heard her mother's voice. It was all she needed.

When the break was over, Drexa couldn't wait to get out of the house because it was starting to feel hot and suffocating for her. Arriving to Beauxbatons, she met Everly Daniels in Charm's class. She didn't think Everly would consider her as a friend but from what she heard, Everly suffered the same thing as hers but not worse enough.

In her observation, Everly was hated by the whole school for her genius brain and that includes her; genius brains. When the two started becoming friends, Drexa had slowly change her perspective about Muggle borns and half-bloods. Not all of it was terrible, only some. They shared the same in common mostly; good in Charms, expert in Potions, all of it was almost the same with each other. Except for socialising; Drexa.

And so the two were inseparable and twin alike at some point, because Drexa was two years younger than Everly. She was happy because she had longed for one's attention that treated her like a family and Everly gave her. Both were a single child and that's that.

Drexa wasn't sure what did Everly saw in her. She didn't seemed like she was afraid of her, nor did she make any bad comments about her name. It made her even curious on each day and when she couldn't handle it anymore, she blurted out the question she wanted to ask;

"What do you see in me, Everly? I'm not that good like others. I mean, I'm the daughter of the Dark Lord so I'm guessing you're just befriending with me because you're afraid that I might do something to you"

Everly looked at her for a moment before letting a small laugh.

"Drexa, there's no rules saying to be friend with someone must have a reason. I tried to have friends here and I ask you, did you see hanging around with one student?"

Drexa blinked for a while before shaking her head. So Everly did try to have friends.

"I did try to make a few conversation with them, but they know, made me look like I didn't existed at all"

Even if Everly didn't answer ther first question, that explained a lot to Drexa. Everly was only a simple girl that was lonely. Same to her. Not everybody have had the courage to talk to the Dark Lord's daughter like Everly....and Drexa kinda liked it.

The pair set off to be the best of friends in the school and when things got worse for them, Everly and Drexa agreed to transfer to another school; Hogwarts.

Drexa didn't have to tell her father about the transfer. He wouldn't care. For Everly, it was only a simple question by Aunt Mia. "Why?" Everly told her everything and she agreed to help.

"And boom! I'm here stepping my ass in this great school with my girl Everly ready to take on the world" said Drexa proudly.

"Hm, I'm glad you're here to be my tutor" Jonathan sighed dreamily. Drexa scrunched her face.

"Yeah I didn't signed up in Hogwarts to be a free tutor"

Jonathan frowned.

"How much you need? Galleons? Nickels?"

"Fun fact; she didn't need those things" piped Everly and he turned to her.


Drexa poked his cheek.

"Buy me some chocolate or sweet stuff and that's it"

"Oh, I thought you want to sleep together with me"

"Hm, I wish I can kill you right now"

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