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After Mia brought them out all day, they beginning to get tired and heading home. Before they do, they all agreed on having spaghetti for dinner so they stopped by a restaurant and Mia went out to take order, while the girls waiting in the car.

"So...did Cedric sent you any letter yet?" Drexa asked with a playful tone and smile.

Everly smiled in annoyance but at the same time, thought the same. She missed him already. Does he missed her too? That was the question. It would be shameful if she was the only who felt that way and not him.

"Nah, I...don't think he will send me letters," Everly admitted in a small voice.

Drexa remained quiet but then a sly smile went up to her face as she saw something flew to their car. She playfully leaned her head on Everly's shoulder while chanting, "Cedric and Everly, sittin' on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g~".

"Hey hey, not cool, man, not cool," Everly growled in annoyance but her heart fluttered when Drexa sang the last part. 

"Oh is it? Speak of the devil, come on, Lierva, hop on."

Everly turned her head to see who was Drexa talking to, and then saw that her owl perched herself on Drexa's hand. In her beak, a letter was shown. Drexa already wiggled her brows to see Everly's reaction.

"Meh, that's not from him. Trust me."

"Oh ho ho, what do i I get if I'm right?"

Everly eyed her behavior and began to think about her decision again. If Drexa was right, she have to buy her a bouquet of chocolate. But then again, she has nothing to lose if she was right. Right?

"I'll get you chocolates. Lots of it, deal?"

Drexa tapped her chin playfully before shaking the lassie's hand enthusiastically. "Deal! Okay let's open it...but I think," Drexa's tone was very dangerous as her eyes lit with a playful manner towards Everly, making her already shaken inside. 'Could it be him?'

When the letter exchanged hands, Everly was already felt giddy all over when the name was neatly written caught her eyes.

Cedric D.

"What did I tell you!? Come on open up!"

Everly shake her head because this time around Drexa was the one who looked more excited than her. She opened the letter and read it aloud.

Dear, Eve.

I hope I'm not too early for sending you letter though :)

"Aww, he uses manual emoji," Drexa cooed and urged Everly to read it.

"Oh, shut up."

I'm guessing Drexa is the one over the moon than you right now, am I right? Shorty, mind waiting for your own letter, would you?

Everly giggled while Drexa was glaring the letter as if it was alive and Cedric was there sticking his tongue out.

Anywho, how are you? My father went out for a week and here I am, stuck in my home alone. I really wish I have what you have in the Muggle world. Know what it is? That would be a phone. I want to hear your voice so bad. I miss listening to it. I miss you, Everly :(

Drexa retreated gracefully and fold her arms as she was smiling. Her gaze were thrown out and Mia was already done with their orders.

"Everly? Sorry to say, but that one is cringe. One more manual emoji, I'm out"

The door beside Drexa opened that made her shrieked.

"Aunt Mia! Don't scare me off like that," Drexa whined and jutted her lips. Mia who saw this laugh quietly and ruffled Drexa's hair. "Sorry sweetie, you didn't hear me so," she winked and placed the paper bag beside the girl before went to the driver's seat.

Everly quickly put away the letter in her pocket, praying to herself she didn't crumpled them enough. She need to read them. The amazing aroma from the paper bag was mouth-watering and the one who sat next to it was Drexa. "Drexa..." Mia called her out as she saw Drexa was digging further in the bag from the rear-view mirror. Drexa plastered her innocent face before saying, "What?"

Everly stifled her laughter but her mind wandered elsewhere. He missed her...just as much as she missed him. Unknowingly, a smile crept to her face and Mia saw this. Everly was glowing in her eyes. She wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks but Everly was really glowing.

She glanced the mirror and saw Drexa was daydreaming while watching the soon dark-to-be scenery. Mia shake her head sideways. She must be tired enough to see Everly was glowing so she concentrated her focus on the road.


"Hm, should I?"

The quill he tapped on his chin just making his nose felt ticklish and quickly sneezed.

"Darn this feather," he grunted before harshly placing the quill on the table and thrown himself on the bed, burying his face on the pillow.

To be frank, he was not the type to send any letters to any of his friends because... well, he doesn't like to write. The energy of writing down on a piece of paper was actually just a waste of time from his perspective but right now, he didn't know what came on to him when he decided to write to her.

But that would seem weird, wouldn't it?

Who would expected a letter from him?

Certainly not, if it does...they would be looking at him weirdly once their summer break was over. Of course he wouldn't mind if they shoot him a death glare, as long as he could get rid of the sense of uneasiness that has been snooping around in his body system ever since the break started.

He was contemplating while looking over at his desk, with half of his face still buried on the pillow.

He never felt this way before with someone. While looking around in his room, he thought, 'They not need to know my name.'

With a childish grin, he got up from the bed and went over to his desk, being as ready as ever to write a letter. For the first time in Malfoy's history.

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