Last Time; Unforgettable Scene

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After Cedric sent her home, he Apparated back into his room. Making sure his room hasn't been checked, he tiptoed to the door, trying to find any evidence of Amos. He left his room in a dark state with pillows stacked under his blanket to make his father think that he was asleep.

"Thank the heavens," he muttered, then switched the lights on. When he turned around, his heart almost leaped out of his chest to see Amos standing in the corner of the room with an unreadable expression on his face. With a heavy sigh, Cedric walked over to his bed and sat on the edge, hanging his head low.

"I thought I needed to see her for the last time," he whispered, almost inaudible but crystal clear to Amos. He heard it very clearly and he too, heaved a deep sigh for the young man, sitting beside him. The pain in his son's voice was evident that he could feel the same pain. He firmly gripped Cedric's shoulder. "You've taken a liking to her, haven't you?"

He didn't say anything, but the faraway look in his eyes confirmed it. His vision began to get blurry and hot, as one by one the tears already rolled down on his cheek. Seeing Cedric cry for the second time after his mom died, Amos's heart truly broke. He never meant to break Cedric's heart, but it was for the best; he didn't believe in Drexa like how his son did so easily.

But was dangerous for Cedric to have the two friends hanging around him, for he was afraid Drexa might have a change of heart. Slowly, he pulled Cedric and embraced him in his arms, and Cedric's arms snaked their way around his father, seeking comfort... trying to find one, if he could. For his comfort was Everly...


That night, the girls were already in their beds, trying to sleep a wink.

Everly kept tossing and turning in her bed, unable to sleep. Everytime the edges of the darkness in her sleep were nearing Dreamland, something cold and hollow ripped that Dreamland away, forcing her to wake up. She groaned in frustration, and saw the clock that was hanging on her bedroom wall showed 3 o'clock in the morning.

Drexa had knocked on Everly's door for quite some time now, but she thought Everly had already fallen asleep so slowly she turned the doorknob and peeked inside, just in time to see the older one kicking the blanket to the floor. A giggle escaped from her lips as she tiptoed inside and closed the door slowly behind her. Drexa sat on the bed beside her, waiting for her response. Everly felt the bed dipped beside her and she lifted the ends of the pillow, just enough for her right eye to see Drexa smirking.

"Can't sleep?," the younger asked. Everly hummed in response and scooted a bit to make room for Drexa to lay. Both friends laid there in a comfortable silence. While they tried to sleep, Drexa suddenly had an idea but she dismissed it for she had no idea on how to cast the spell. If there was one. Even with her eyes closed, Everly saw a faint light in front of her. She was laying with her body straight and facing the ceiling.

"Woah, what the-," she gasped when her vision was greeted with the night sky.

Her jaw dropped to see a magnificent sight; her ceiling had illuminated the night sky like in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Even though it was only a few weeks away from going back to school, she definitely missed this one. She shook the younger's body quickly.

"Mmmm," the lassie groaned and whipped her hands away from her body.

"Look!," Everly urged.

"Whaat?," Drexa hissed and turned her head to glare at the girl, but when she saw Everly's face filled with astonishment, looking up at the ceiling, Drexa did the same. Her eyes and mouth both wide opened to see what was in front of them.

"How...did this happen?," she said in disbelief.

"I might ask you the same thing here," Everly replied as her eyes still appreciated the new magic that had just appeared in her room. Drexa blinked slowly, as realization had dawned on her. She looked up to Everly.

"I uh... while I was trying to sleep, I had the idea of trying to turn the ceiling into the night sky, but... I've no idea how," she admitted in a low voice, hoping Everly would believe her.

Everly didn't believe her ears.

"What? Really? You did that???"


"That is..."

Drexa gulped her nervousness, awaiting the expectations from Everly.

"So cool! I didn't know you could do that," Everly said with an astonishing tone and smiled at her, making her nervousness wash away instantly. When Everly saw the relief look on her face, she frowned. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Drexa shook her head and smiled softly. "Nothing, it's just, I thought you would think of me as a freak for a second." The older scoffed.

"Darling, we both are freaks, you know? Only in the eyes of Muggles," Everly said with a smug smile and a crooked smile. Drexa pushed her shoulders playfully. "Now you're making me scared of you."

Everly smiled and suddenly her smile faltered in an instant.

"But promise me one thing," she said, earning a frowned Drexa.

"You can never, ever tell someone about this, okay? Too many dark wizards and witches out there who seek this kind of power you have," Everly continued.

"Please, I doubt they knew about it."

"Especially your father."

It was as if cold water had just washed all over her body. The thought of her father would use her powers to annihilate people had sent shivers down her spine. She shuddered.

"I promise."

Everly took Drexas hand and gave it a firm and gentle squeeze. She didn't want her friend to be a target and attention of the Dark magics wherever they go. Drexa squeezed her hand back, a tinge of fear was starting to crawl out.

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