𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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{Lorenzo's POV}
"Sorry." Aurora whispers to me before she passes out. I immediately capture her in my arms as her body is limp.

"What the hell happened?" Silas enters the room and sees a sleeping Aurora in my arms. "She passed out." I tell him but he marches closer to me. "What did you do!" He shouts. I gently set down Aurora on a chair next to me.

"I didn't do anything. She passed out due to medicine or pain. We don't know yet because you're delaying her doctor's visit," I growl at him. He closes his mouth and doesn't say anything. He just nods, then accompanies Dante, who is with Aurora on the chair. Why is he so close with her?

I don't care, it's not like I know her or anything.

Bitch- you watch all of her fights.

Fuck off.

Asshat, I'm you.

"The doctor is ready to see her." One of my men announces. "Thanks Santiago." He gives me a brief nod while Dante carries Aurora. "I got her." I try to retrieve her but Dante shakes his head.

"No, she'd want me with her." He explains. I ball up my fists and clench my jaw but allow him to hold her on the way to the room.

I follow him to the upstairs guest bedroom and get greeted with the doctor and a case of supplies. Dante sets the limp body on the bed carefully as I walk over to the doctor.

"She passed out but suffered many wounds today." I inform him as he slips on gloves. "That's what you get with a well known fighter." He says with a smile on his face. I don't smile in return and he takes that message to get his work done.

Dante steps beside me as we watch the doctor pull open an eyelid and examine it. "Her pupils are dilated, but that can be from today's injuries as you said." He stands back up while slipping off the gloves.

"She just needs rest and Advil," I nod and slip him an multiple hundred dollar bills in his coat, but he doesn't leave, instead he sits on the guest couch in her room.

"What are you doing?" Dante asks while staring at the doctor. "It's only once in a lifetime you can get an autograph from a celebrity." I scoff while Dante snickers.


Dante offers to stay with her and the doctor while I have some business to get over with. "Pull up the account." I demand to Mateo. He presses a few buttons on the iPad then the screen lights up for the whole room to see. 

"Withdraw 3 million." He presses more buttons and the numbers shrink. "How'd Silas get it all in 3 months?" Giovanni asks while smirking. "It's not his." I state while a few whispers enter the meeting room.

"Who's is it?" Victor asks with his eyebrows connected while frowning. "No one that concerns you."

Dante enters the room without his suit jacket on. A few men chuckle but Dante surrenders. "I didn't get laid." He confesses, "I just offered it to the sleeping beauty." I clench my fists as my jaw tightens.


"I call dibs on Aurora, I get her first." One man shouts to the whole room. Dante looks at him disgusted, so do I. "No one will be touching my sister!" Silas storms into the room. The chuckles and whispering dies down.

"Why do you get to control her?" One smirks and I just watch as Silas tenses up. He slams his fists on the glass table. "I don't need, or want, your grubby hands on her !" He growls at him. Protective I see.

"What if she comes to me?" The man asks trying to test his patience. "Trust me, she won't," Silas spits with a forced laugh.

Silas diverts his attention to the screen then looks at me. I give him a brief nod. I could tell Silas was about to speak up but a loud thud erupts throughout the house. Silas makes eye contact with Dante, then me.

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