𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

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{Aurora's POV}
I put my dirty plate in the sink and walk to Enzo's office with Gio following me. I stop by the door and lean when I hear noises.

"Bring her or I'll kill him." A voice threatens lowly. 

"You won't kill him and I won't bring you your niece." My man's voice snaps at him. I lean heavier on the door but regret it once it opens.

"Niece?" I blurt out my thoughts. 

I look at the large screen that displays on the wall and see Andrew sitting in a dark room with my beaten brother tied up from the ceiling. 

"Aurora, nice to see you again." Andrew welcomes with a wicked grin. "Can't say the same for you." I reply and stroll further in my room.

"Did you know?" I ask Andrew on the screen. His grin widens and he tilts his head. "Why yes I knew." He answers. I internally gag in disgust as he purposely raped his niece.

"You're fucking disgusting." I spit at him but that makes him angry. He rushes over to Silas and punches him in his jaw. "Don't call me names Aurora, I may not have you now but I do have your brother." 

Giovanni, Matteo, and Santiago are stone cold as they watch the screen, as well as Enzo.

I furrow my eyebrows together and stop talking. "Why'd you want to talk Andrew, I don't have all day." Enzo boringly asks. 

"You know who I want Lorenzo, all you have to do is trade." Andrew states as he wipes blood off of his hands. 

"You won't get her." Enzo bluntly tells him. "Well then, I guess we'll keep Silas here a little longer, I mean the girls love him." I freeze in my spot then look at Andrew furiously. 

"You are making girls force himself on him!?" I shout at the screen as Andrew laughs. "I mean, why not." He says, making me more disgusted. 

"When I find you Andrew, and I will, I will hurt in many more ways than you can imagine, then I'll burn you alive." I warn as I step closer to the screen. 

"I'm counting on it." And then the screen goes black. I turn to Matteo who has a cold expression on his face. "You better find him Matteo, I'm fucking serious." I tell him while giving him my sharp pointer finger. 

{Lorenzo's POV}
She left the room right after the call ended. She is mad and furious but I know she blames herself of it. 

"Giovanni and Santiago, I want you to go train the trainees, Matteo I want you to put the whole computer crew on finding him." I order then walk out not wanting to hear anything else. 

I hear someone's feet pounding on the floor so I turn around and see an out of breath Dante. "Enzo, she's beating your guards up." Dante pants. I already know who he is talking about so I run in the direction he came in.

When I exit the house onto the outdoor gym, she's beating them up. I watch as she kicks and punches them and count as they drop. 

"Aurora!" I roar in my loudest voice. She looks up but punches the man one more time before he drops. 

"Aurora, get your ass inside now!" I boom and point towards the door. I roll my eyes when I see my parents and sister standing there, watching. 

"Fucking hell, she truly is bad ass." Ana comments as she watches Aurora wipe the blood off her knuckles while walking towards me. 

"You need to train them better." Aurora bluntly tells me then walks past me. My mom has remorse in her eyes but my dad has this unknown expression on his face. Ana is in awe as she watches Aurora.

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