𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18

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{Aurora's POV}
This will be a fun night.

I squeeze Enzo's hand tighter while Ana is cuddled into Silas's side. Silas has an arm around her shoulders while Nessa stands by herself. The other men are standing straight, showing no emotion, so I got the message and put on a cold face.

The three men lead us through the crowded casino to the back, where many men are seated. There a woman in some laps, while the others look like they don't wanna be here. 

"Here boss," one of the three men in the suit announce. Piercing green eyes look up at him, then he meets my eyes. 

He stares at me, trying to figure me out, but I hold the stare. If he doesn't back down, I'll continue. He ends up clearing his throat and looking away, making my eyes free.

Enzo leads us to one of the empty plush couches where we sit in front of the boss. His team, or whatever they are, kick out the ladies. 

The girls growl at me and Ana when they exit, making me snort softly. Enzo places a hand on my thigh when we sit down. 

"Little girl we kicked you guys out," the sharp green eye boss growls at Nessa. I chuckle under my breath, but Ana goes on a full laughing spree. 

"O-oh my god, I'm sorry," Ana apologizes through her laughter. Silas looks amused as he glances at her while Enzo is giving them a warning glare.

"She's with us," I explain to the man while keeping a straight face. He just nods then relaxes into the couch.

"My name is Leon, I'm the Don of the German mafia," the boss greets then holds out a hand in front of me. 

I hesitant before placing my hand in his, but he isn't rude or anything with it, its just a gesture. 

Enzo clears his throat, making me retreat my hand. He also shakes Ana's hand, but ignores Nessa.

"Is everyone in this room who you brought aware of our deal, Lorenzo?" Leon asks with his accent standing out.

Enzo flickers his fingers at Nessa, causing the guard to force her out of the room. I smirk at her when she exits. Bitch mode, activated. 

The men start talking about business and information of forming an alliance. I'm proud of Enzo and how he's been growing his empire, but that means more enemies and foes. 

"Babe," I snap out of my thoughts and look at Enzo. I raise my brow, aware of my absence in the meeting. 

"Would you like a drink?" He asks then holds a bottle of bourbon. I nod, making a maid- one that I didn't see- bring me a glass. I give her a small smile, thanking her.

I frown while I hear someone outside of the room cheering for winning something in the casino, I wanted to play. 

Enzo hands me a glass of bourbon and I down it in one gulp. The tingling liquid stings my throat and threatens to come back up, but I manage to swallow it. 

I release a a refreshing sound then bang the glass on the table, showing my frustration in everything. 

Enzo gives me a side glare, warning me to fix my attitude. "In exchange for our alliance to form, we need extra money for our forming of weapons," Leon negotiates. 

I decide to include myself and ask, "How much money are we talking about?"

"10 million for our trading posts and weapons," Leon answers then gives me a paper, showing their expenses. 

I find a mistake in the chart and frown. "Give me a pen," I demand without looking up. I hold my hand out to receive then I grasp the sudden pen in my grasp.

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