𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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I woke up early today with the frustration still in me. That bitch. I leap out of my bed while rubbing my eyes.

When I walk in to wash my face I notice more hickeys on my collarbone and neck. He planted more?!

I roll my eyes and rinse my face then lather the foaming soap on my face. The essence of the face wash radiates and flows through my nose as I rub every inch of my face. I then rinse off the soap and pat my face dry.

I rub moisturizer on my face then pucker chapstick on my lips. I go take a quick shower to clean my body then come out with a towel around me.

"Hey." I turn around and see Enzo sitting on my counter with my panties and bra in his hands. "What the fuck, leave." I demand pointing to the door. He pouts but lifts himself back on his feet.

"Why are you trying to kick me out?" He fake sniffles and wipes away fake tears. "Maybe because I'm fucking naked with only a towel around me." I retort then snatch my panties from him.

I slide on the navy laced panties then clip on the bra as Enzo watches me. I keep eye contact with him the whole time with a smirk on my face.

"Can you get me clothes?" I ask while brushing my hair. He nods then scurries out. He's wrapped around my finger, well, I was wrapped around his yesterday, literally.

He returns with grey and black jeans with and a white t-shirt. I take the jeans but toss the shirt on the floor. I slip on the jeans then search my closet. I pull out a shirt with chains tying the material together on the sides and put in on. Since my bra was showing, I took it off. I then put on sunglasses and silver earrings and necklace.

{Aurora's outfit above}

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{Aurora's outfit above}

When I walk back into the bathroom to apply lip gloss Enzo glared at me. "You're not wearing that." I points to my shirt. I ignore him then glance at my outfit once more.

I exit the bathroom and my bedroom with Enzo storming behind me. He grabs my wrist then pulls me against the wall with him towering over me. "You're not wearing that." He repeats. I try to push him away from me but he just tightens his grip on me.

"I can wear what I want! If anyone looks at me for more than a second just carve out their eyes." I snap at him. He smirks at the end of my sentence then nods. "Alright." I raise my brows so Enzo can release me.

I walk past him cautiously due to his suspicious behavior but when I turn around to walk he slaps my ass.

I squeal loudly as I plant both hands on my ass. "Bitch." I shout at him from over my shoulder.


I walk into the kitchen with the maids preparing breakfast. I've been helping then with breakfast everyday since I've been here so I don't feel useless. One of the maids smirks at me as she looks at my neck.

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