𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 21

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{Aurora's POV}
When I first make an appearance on the first step, the whole house falls silent. Literally.

I see some people nervous, some wide eyed, or some just don't care but just stare at me, waiting for me to do something.

So I do what they don't expect.

I just smile and wave at them, not mad, not angry, just happy I'm back. I truly don't blame them because if I was given a choice, I would've handed myself over to save my friends and family.

I ignore the stares as I keep walking. Enzo slides my chair back and I place myself in it. "Continue your conversations," I tell everyone when they keep quiet, picking at their food.

"Aurora I'm sorry," Giovanni apologizes from his seat. I smile at him and nod, "It's fine Gio, I would've done the same thing because that was the smart option," I assure while Enzo rubs my thigh.

He nods and gives me a small smile, still unsure. I get excited when my plate arrives with a fresh stack of protein pancakes and a side of fruit.

"Fuck yes!" Ana shouts from her seat as she bites into the pancakes. Silas snickers under his breath but Seth glares at her.

I use my knife to cut into my pancakes and savor the blissful taste. See, I know I ate with Luigi but a girl gotta eat.

I do a quiet moan when I take another bite. Enzo's hand on my thigh squeezes making me chuckle.

I see Luigi eating at the table and smile at him. "Thank you," I mouth to him but he just gives me a thumbs up.

"Stop flirting with him," Enzo grunts from beside me. I snort under my breath at his jealousy.

Jealous asshole.


{Lorenzo's POV}
She's back in my arms.

Fucking finally.

Her life is like a rollercoaster but it could've been worse if she stayed with the Americans, and by stayed I meant held by them.

I glad we killed all the bad people that hurt her, but there's one more person on the list.

Nessa Linguini.

I have watch on her at the moment while eating breakfast with Aurora. I have the experts watching Nessa and were gonna attack her.

And I'll kill her, we'll kill her.

I roll my eyes when I watch Luigi's and Aurora's silent exchange in conversation. I move my hand up her thigh and cup her heat, letting her know that she belong to me, and me only.

I hear her gasp under her breath as I brush my thumb on her clothed pussy. "Not here," she grits through her teeth.

I chuckle under my breath and shovel a fork full of cut pancakes in my mouth. I love these pancakes, they're one of my favorites to eat for breakfast. Thanks to Aurora of course.

"Babe, remove your hand," Aurora whispers as she looks down. I roll my eyes, but listen to her request.

"Enzo! Can me and Aurora go out to the new mall that opened today?" Ana asks me from her seat.

I look over and Aurora and her eyes are filled with hope.



"Yes!" The girls shriek, making me cover my ears. "Cut the fucking noise that you let out of those mouths," I grunt and gulp down a large handful of water.

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