𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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{Aurora's POV}
I zoom out of the driveway of Lorenzo's mansion. Ana is gripping on the door and her eyes are wide. 

"Relax, I'm not going to crash." I tell her as I accelerate the speed of the car. 

"Aurora, I'm convinced your a physcopath." Ana screeches. I see Lorenzo speeding up on us so I press the gas harder. 

I slide into his lane in front of him and smirk to myself. 

Ana starts laughing as she looks behind us. "He looks mad." Ana laughs out as she informs me of his expression. 

I watch as Lorenzo goes into the free lane beside me and follows my speed. I roll down my window and he does the same. 

In the passenger seat I see Giovanni laughing and looking at me. I send him a smile and fixate my eyes on the road. 

The traffic light turns yellow, causing Lorenzo to slow down, but I use that advantage and go faster. 

When I pass the newly turned red light, multiple horns honk at us. 

"Fuck." Ana exhales and laughs into her hands. 

"They're going to be mad." I joke and slow down on the gas. I look on the directions and turn right into the fight club. 

"Were here." I announce. Ana rolls her eyes and frowns. "I have to seduce a certain bartender for the mission." She pouts but I laugh. "Girly, we can switch." I joke and park my car in a right distance. 

"We have to wait." Ana says and I nod to agree.


Lorenzo's car parks near mine and a few more follow him. I watch as the car on his right opens and reveals Nessa bright green dress. Dante exits with her and they enter the building. 

I open my door, and Ana follows. I give Giovanni and Lorenzo a brief nod so they know I'm in check. 

Ana clicks her ear piece and whispers something before following me inside. I lead her to the bar and order my lucky shot before I fight.

"Long time so see." Grant greets as he slides me my shot. I flash him a smile and he returns to other customers. 

I gulp down the tingling liquid. "Damn girl." Ana says as she slides in beside me. "I'm heading to the rink, I'll keep an eye out." I tell her and she gives me a nod then informs the people on the earpiece.


When I enter the rink, I see my component. He has bulky muscles where his veins pop out. I snort when I watch him train with his coach. This'll be easy.

I put my mouth guard in and slip on my gloves. After, I sit down and observe him. He has a scar on his right leg and his nose is crocked. 


The ref comes over to me and asks if I'm ready. I nod without meeting his eyes then stand up. When I look around the room, I see Ana straddling someone. She has her target.

I see Dante and Nessa grinding on each other looking drunk than ever. Other drunk people are yelling at us to begin, causing me to smirk. 

Before the bell rings, I catch Lorenzo and Giovanni watching me. I smirk and look at my component. 

"Game on."

The man pounces at me sloppily so I easily move out of his way. When he comes in contact with the flimsy ropes, I jam my foot on the middle part of his leg and he falls to his knees.

I laugh lightly and wait for him to get up. "Come on, the steroids tiring you?" I tease him. He stiffens then flies off the floor, literally. 

He tries to punch my cheek but I block it and elbow his stomach, but it doesn't affect him. 

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