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(This is a short chapter but make sure to read the Authors Note at the end! IMPORTANT!)

9 Months later...
{Lorenzo's POV}
"Fucking hell Enzo, this shit hurts. Hurry up you lazy ass!" Aurora yells at me in the passenger seat. I hear Silas and Ana snicker in the backseat while Ana cradles Allura, her daughter, and Silas cradles his son, Mattia. Yup, they had twins. It was a painful time for me with all the crying at night, so that's when I kicked them out. Not out of the house dumbass, but a large bedroom downstairs so I can sleep peacefully upstairs. I know, mastermind.

"I'm going as fast as I can baby," I grumble when another car honks at me. "It hurts Enzo," Aurora whines, making me remove one hand from the wheel and placing it on her belly, rubbing my fingers on the skin that's a barrier between me and my baby- kind of.

I zip through lots of the cars on the highway with three squad cars trailing me as security. A few months back, all the other mafia's found out that I was having a child, and there were many attempts to take my child away from me.

"Boss," Giovanni's voice booms on the speaker. I click unmute on the radio and answer back. "Yes?"

I hear him cursing under his breath, causing my brows to furrow. "What's the matter Giovanni?" I question, but roll my eyes when another car honks at me.

"There's people following us, and there are people guarding the entrance of the hospital," he replies, making me divert my vision to Aurora. Aurora just nods and me, and I give her a faint smile in return.

"We'll take the back entrance, si?" I say back to the speaker. Giovanni agrees, then we speed up.

"Aurora, drink this," Ana hands Aurora a weird colored drink and orders her to drink it. "What's this shit?" Aurora grumbles as she sniffs it.

"It'll help decrease the pain." Immediately, Aurora chugs the drink but makes a disgusted face afterwards. "That taste like ass."

I exit the highway as fast as I could and I almost sigh in relief when I spot the hospital sign. "Enzo, I'm about to give birth but have no clue what to name her," Aurora whines as she rubs her belly as well, sometimes allowing her finger to brush mine.

"We'll know what to name her once we see her," I assure, but I also have no clue. Like, its fucking stressful. I know some parents naming their kids with weird names like what the fuck is Disco or Steel.

"Shit," I whisper when lots of SUVs are crowded in the hospital entrance, but I wish for the best as I pass them and head for the back. I let Santiago inform the doctor of our different entrance, and she was hesitant to agree. That's right, I ain't letting no man see my fiancés vagina. (Hey, I'm not using dirty words now.)

I am quick to stop my car and rush to the passenger seat, but I duck down when a gunshot is heard.

When I turn around, I see Igor's brother standing there with a gun pointed at me. "See, you fell in my trap," he laughs as he twirls the gun in his hand.

He motions for me to open the door, but I am quick to tell him to fuck off. "I know your fiancé is in there dumbass." He smirks as he looks at Aurora through the wind shield. "I just want to...chat."

Chat my ass.

I feel better when the three SUV's with my men pull up behind me and I smirk mentally when all my men exit their cars with their automatic guns ready and loaded.

"I see how it is," in a snap of a finger, literally, men with guns come out from the shadows and start shooting. I hide behind my car as a see Ana attempt to hide Aurora through the window. I can see how much pain she is in, and trouble always comes at the wrong time.

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