𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17

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{Aurora's POV}
The sound of birds chirping wakes me up. I open my eyes and scan the all black room I'm in and the silky comforters I'm lying in.

I look down and see Enzo's arm wrapped around me while he breathes on the back of my neck. If I move, I wake him. But I really need to pee, so screw it.

I lift the blanket off of me slowly, then carefully remove his hand and replace me with a pillow. I flip my legs over the bed- not without wincing from the soreness- and literally feel cold air fanning my naked body.

As I was about to get up, a low raspy chuckle escapes from the supposed to be sleeping wolf. I turn around and see Enzo watching me and my pillow back in place.

"I- uh- I had to use the restroom," I mumble while in the same position at the edge of the bed. Enzo just smiles then lifts himself up so that he's resting on his back with both of his arms holding him up.

"I'm not stopping you," he says then eyes my naked back, all the way down. I roll my eyes and tug at the blanket so I can wrap it around me, but Enzo snatches it.

I glare at him but he playfully pouts. "I'm cold," He tells me then snuggles the blanket into the crook of his neck.

Just get up and walk, my bladder tells me. I'm naked, I retort.

I scoff then get up to run to the bathroom. I scurry into the gorgeous bathroom then close the door.

My naked body plops down on the toilet seat and I excrete the waste from my bladder. I softly moan at the relief that exits me.

After I finish, I turn on the shower head so that it can be warm when I enter. Should I? Maybe, I don't know.

I don't tell Enzo that I'm going in the shower, but he knows. And you want to know how? He unlocks the door and lifts me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist so I don't fall bare ass on the cold tile. "You didn't invite me." He fake sniffles then kneads my ass in his hands. 

"I-I was." I reply and try to wiggle in his grasp. Enzo just ignores me and enters the shower, me still in his arms.

"What if it was still cold?" I ask him when the warm water falls down on my needy skin. "It depends, are you going to help me or the cold water?" 

I gulp then Enzo lightly grinds his erected cock on my ass. "H-how?" I question, but he only smirks. "Not so confident?" He hums then backs me up on to the wall.

"Are you still sore baby?" He whispers and I gasp when an undetected finger slips into me. I lean my head on his wet shoulder while he smirks in satisfaction.

"Does the hurt?" He hums then flicks my clit with his finger. He circles his finger in me while I moan against him.

I don't answer so he slips in another finger, "Does this hurt?" He asks and pumps both fingers in me then lightly pinches my clit.

"Keep going," I moan then lean my head back against the wall. I don't see his face due to my eyes being closed, but his mouth finds mine.

He slips his tongue in me and devours my mouth. I moan when he gathers my bottom lip between his teeth then sucks on it.

His fingers continue his work on me and I find myself moving my hips as his fingers pumping in and out of me with a rhythm. 

"Come," he mutters against my lips while his fingers pinch my clit. I unravel the gathered pleasure on his fingers while I moan his name against his mouth. 

Oh my god, we kissed, and I have morning breath. Ew, no more kisses for you Mr. De Luca. 

"What?" Enzo chuckles as he looks at me. "Oh, did I say that out loud?" I blurt and he nods in return. "Then you better listen." I order with a stern face as if I'm being semi serious. 

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