𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10

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{Aurora's POV}
"Baby, I'm only telling you this since your asleep. You changed me. You changed me into a better person. I used to always have no reason to smile but when your with me, you change that. I love the way you light up the room when your in it. Everything has gotten more happier ever since you've been here. Everything used to be so tense in the atmosphere and I used to seclude myself in work. I barely slept because I had nothing to come back to, but you changed that also. You're my weakness Aurora, but you're also my strength. I love the way you reply with your smart ass comments and I love how you never fail to impress me. I always want you in my arms and I want you to stay with me through all our problems and challenges. I know that there are people after you and I love that you don't freak out of it. I love how you trust me to keep you safe." Enzo whispers against me, thinking I'm asleep.

"I love you." He adds in the lowest whisper. I smile at the heartfelt speech. You better have loved me. 

"I love you too." I whisper back to him. Enzo tenses against me and moves away from me. "You were awake." He says to himself. 

I give him my puppy eyes and a grin. "You sneaky bitch." He calls me. "But I'm your sneaky bitch." He nods his head. "Yes you are." 

He lays next to me again and pulls me closer than ever. "I'm never letting you go." He promises. I hum then I let the darkness over come me.



I wake up with energy the next morning. I expect Enzo to be laying next to me but he isn't there. I groan to myself then get up.

I notice that I leaked a little on his sheets because of the discolored black sheets. I frown and feel embarrassed at the same time. 

I walk to the window and open the curtains. I shut my eyes at the sudden sunlight then proceed to close the curtains again. 

The door knob rattles, causing me to turn around. When it doesn't open I carefully open it. I see Enzo in a suit with a gun in his hands. 

My eyes widen when Enzo just storms in the room and ignores me. The fuck. 

"Enzo what's wrong?" I ask when he paces in circles. He seems to be mumbling things under his breath but I can't make it out. 

When he continues to ignore me I take off his bed sheets. He stops then stares at me. "Why the fuck are you removing those?" He growls at me. I roll my eyes then plop them on the floor. "I leaked." I simply confess then head to head bathroom.

I glance at the mirror and see my jungled hair. Ew. I take my brush and brush out my light brown strands of hair. 

When my hair and face is washed I go to the closet and grab an outfit. I grab a tan shirt and a plaid skirt. I bring my clothes to the bathroom and grab new panties and a bra. 

I strip off my clothing then grab another tampon. I remove the old one then insert the new one. I then slide on my black lace panties then my matching bra. After I put on the shirt and the skirt. 

I do a glance over my outfit and approve. 


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